• FIBA names Kida,  Udoka in new list of Commissions

    Fiba names kida udoka in new list of commissions - nigeria newspapers online
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    By Joe Apu 

    Two Nigerians namely Ahmadu Musa Kida and  former Nigeria international Mfom Udoka have been named in the new list FIBA  Commissions and Working Groups for the 2023-27 term following the first meeting of the newly elected Central Board. 

    Kida, who is President of the Nigeria Basketball Federation is serving a second term in the Finance Commission in which he was first appointed in 2019, while Udoka, a former Captain of D’Tigress, is in the Players’ Commission. 

    However, re-elected President of the FIBA Africa Zone Three, Col. Sam Ahmedu is not listed in the Legal Commission in which he  served in the 2019-2023 term of office. He notes that it is good other Nigerians are getting into FIBA Commissions as this will help the country internationally. 

    According to a press release from FIBA on Friday, the commissions are as per the amendments to the FIBA General Statutes enacted by the FIBA Mid-Term Congress in 2021, the requirement to have at least 30 percent representation of both genders in each Commission has been implemented. 

    In fact, the Central Board has appointed 35 percent of women across all FIBA Commissions and for the first time, three out of seven FIBA Commissions are Chaired by a woman, and in two of the other four Commissions, the Deputy Chair is a woman. It will also be the first time the FIBA Appeals Panel is Chaired by a woman. 

    Meanwhile, the Central Board has appointed three women to the FIBA Foundation Board for the first time, including FIBA Hall of Famer Michelle Timms. Additionally, one of the two FIBA Foundation Advisory Committees is Chaired by a woman.

    To enhance global representation, the Central Board has decided that all five regions of FIBA are represented through a Chair or a Deputy Chair of a FIBA Commission.

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