• How To Run Profitable Fish Farming – Independent Newspaper Nigeria

    How to run profitable fish farming independent newspaper nigeria - nigeria newspapers online
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    Fish farming otherwise known as acquaculture is the process of breeding, rearing and harvest­ing fish in a controlled environ­ment for commercial purposes.

    There is a huge market for fish in Ni­geria because of the nutritional value. It is rich in protein and a veritable option for those who do not eat lean meat on health grounds.

    Thus fish farming has the capacity to generate high return on in investment.

    It is one of the fastest growing agri­businesses in the country.

    Job Creation

    Fish farming has the potential to create employments in various aspects of the business – hatchery, breeding and processing and dales. It holds hope for graduates and non-graduates both in rural and urban areas.

    It is a clean business that can be even done at home.


    It is a business that you can start at any level you want – small, medium or big, all depends on the resources at your disposal.

    It can also be integrated with other agribusinesses such as poultry and an­imal husbandry.

    Types of Fish

    The types of fish commonly reared in this environment are catfish and tilapia.

    They can be reared in ponds, cages and recirculating systems. They also can be reared in different environments such as salt, fresh or brackish waters and tanks.


    This is the most popular fish farming in Nigeria. This is because it commands the highest demand in the market.

    Again its breeding process is simple especially for beginners. Not only that, it grows faster than others.


    Like cartfish, tilapia has rapid growth rate thereby guarantying high return on investment. Tilapia also demonstrates a higher resistance to diseases.



    Your journey to success starts from the rightful location of the fish farm.

    Water Source: Choose appropriate source of clean water which could be a well, spring or river. Inadequate supply of water will affect the health of the fish.


    Site your fish farm close to your tar­get market to reduce cost of transport­ing your fish to customers.


    Choose the land that is appropriate to the size of your fish farm. Ensure the land is suitable for pond construction and proper drainage. Consult profes­sionals, if necessary.


    The same rule applies to construction of the pond.

    Ensure you use appropriate size and materials. Seek expert advice. You could use materials such as concrete, liners, or compacted earth. It however depends on the amount of working capital at your disposal.


    On completion of the pond, the next thing is to source fingerlings from a rep­utable fish farm where you buy hatch­eries.


    Providing the right feeds and in the right quantity is essential for their growth and health.

    It, however, depends on the type of fish. Use appropriate formula to ensure feeds a balanced diet.


    To ensure longer shelf life of your produce you may consider processing of your produce This requires training and investment in equipment. The al­ternative is to invest in refrigeration equipment to forestall spoilage.

    Marketing Prior to production, con­duct proper research to determine the book offtakers of your fish. Consult eatries, hotels, supermarkets and open markets.

    Advertise your business to them.

    Profitability Fish farming is a lucra­tive business anyone with interest and some investible funds can venture into with confidence that one would break even in no distant time.

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