• A Lament For Lost Opportunities, Collapse Of Indigenous Shipping – Independent Newspaper Nigeria

    A lament for lost opportunities collapse of indigenous shipping independent newspaper nigeria - nigeria newspapers online
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    As Nigeria marks 64 years of inde­pendence, one of the most glar­ing failures of our post-colonial governance is the tragic collapse of our indigenous shipping industry. The Nigerian National Shipping Line (NNSL), bequeathed to us by the colonial adminis­tration as a robust national shipping carrier, once stood as a symbol of pride, sovereignty, and economic promise. Yet, within just two and a half decades after independence, the NNSL was thoroughly mismanaged and run aground, becoming a reflection of the broader dysfunction that has plagued our maritime sector.

    At the time of independence in 1960, Ni­geria inherited a fleet of ships that were not only operational but positioned to support our emerging economy. The NNSL was a testament to the vision of building a self-suf­ficient maritime power capable of transport­ing goods and commodities both in and out of our bustling seaports. But today, 64 years later, we find ourselves in a pitiful state, where no Nigerian shipping company owns even a single vessel among the over 5,000 ships that call at our ports annually. These ships, owned by foreign interests, dominate our waters, enriching their nations while we sit idly by, exporting oil, gas, and agricul­tural produce, and importing manufactured goods without a stake in the process.

    This collapse is not due to a lack of poten­tial or resources, but rather a systematic and pervasive failure of leadership and vision. The Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA), created with the primary mandate of promoting indigenous shipping, has failed spectacularly in this re­gard. Established to regulate and nurture the growth of local shipping companies, NI­MASA has instead become a bureaucratic entity more interested in revenue collection than in fostering the growth of indigenous maritime capacity. The sad reality is that despite NIMASA’s vast resources and reg­ulatory power, Nigeria’s presence in the global shipping industry remains negligible.

    Worse still, the Federal Government’s ap­proach to the development of indigenous shipping has been nothing short of lacka­daisical. Successive administrations have paid lip service to the need for a vibrant na­tional shipping industry; their actions have demonstrated a complete disregard for the sector’s strategic importance. The nation­al shipping line was allowed to decay, with successive governments failing to invest in its revival or even establish policies that could encourage the growth of indigenous companies capable of competing in the in­ternational shipping arena.

    The creation of the Ministry of Marine and Blue Economy by the present admin­istration was seen by many as a step in the right direction. Yet, almost a year after its formation, there has been little to no im­provement in the state of indigenous ship­ping. The ministry has yet to make any significant strides toward addressing the core issues plaguing the sector, including lack of infrastructure, access to capital, and policy support. The Nigerian govern­ment seems content to allow foreign-owned vessels to dominate our waters, extracting profit from our resources while we remain passive spectators.


    The negative impact of this failure is far-reaching. Without a strong national shipping carrier, Nigeria is at the mercy of foreign shipping companies, paying exor­bitant rates for the transportation of our goods. This erodes our trade balance, weak­ens our economic independence, and limits job creation in a sector that could employ tens of thousands of Nigerians. Moreover, the absence of a robust maritime industry stifles our ability to leverage the blue econo­my, a sector that could potentially contribute billions to our GDP if properly harnessed.

    As we reflect on this tragic decline, the question must be asked: what is the way forward? First, the government must get serious about developing indigenous ship­ping. This requires more than the creation of ministries and agencies; it demands a focused, strategic plan that includes invest­ment in shipbuilding infrastructure, access to credit for Nigerian ship owners, and poli­cy frameworks that promote local participa­tion in international trade. NIMASA must be refocused to fulfil its original mandate, not as a revenue-generating agency but as a true promoter of Nigerian shipping in­terests.

    We must also recognize the strategic im­portance of having our own national ship­ping carriers. It is inconceivable that a coun­try with the economic potential of Nigeria remains without its own fleet of vessels. Par­ticipation in the movement of international trade is not just about economic gain – it is about sovereignty, security, and our standing in the global maritime community.

    The time for complacency is over. The Federal Government must act now to revive the dream of an indigenous shipping indus­try. Our future prosperity depends on it. The failure to do so will only deepen Nigeria’s reliance on foreign powers, continuing the cycle of dependency and lost opportunities that have plagued our maritime sector for far too long.

    Dr. Akinola writes from Lagos  

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