• A Look At National Ranches Commission Bill, 2024 – Independent Newspaper Nigeria

    A look at national ranches commission bill 2024 independent newspaper nigeria - nigeria newspapers online
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    Professor ‘Gbenga Bamodu, FCIArb is a partner in the firm of Phillipsons Legal Practitioners & Arbitrators. He is the author of ‘The ECOWAS Protocols on Freedom of Movement and Transhumance: Any Role in the Farmers/Herdsmen Conflict?’, chapter 2 in CC Ohuruogu, C Oguamanam & M Baderin (eds), Emerging Legal Frontiers in Nigeria: Cross-cutting Issues on Governance, Security and Politics vol 2 (Malthouse, 2023).


    On Wednesday 5th June, a legislative bill titled the National Ranches Commission Bill, 2024 (sponsored by Senator Titus Zam) passed second reading in the Nigerian Senate and was referred by that body for committee deliber­ation. The committee is expected to report within one month from the referral and it is expected that there will be public consulta­tion after the committee report. This essay in contributing to the public discourse assesses the Bill from the perspectives of its constitu­tionality, appropriateness and the utility and effectiveness of its proposed substantive pro­visions.

    Constitutionality and Appropriateness of the Bill

    There have already been interventions by two eminent contributors propounding the argument that the National Assembly does not have the power, under the Nigerian 1999 Constitution, to enact legislation establishing ranches. This argument that has been pro­posed by retired Justice Ejembi Eko (formerly of the Supreme Court) and Chief Sebastian T Hon (SAN, FCIArb), is predicated on the basis that ranchingand/or animal husbandry is not provided for under the exclusive legislative list and/or cannot be accommodated within the provisions of Item 17(d) of the concurrent legislative list of the Constitution. The said Item 17(d) empowers the National Assembly to make laws for the country or any part of it with respect to ‘the establishment of institu­tions and bodies for the promotion or financ­ing of industrial, commercial or agricultural projects.’

    The matters raised by these two highly re­spectable commentators pose a very serious challenge to the Bill that is currently under consideration by the Senate, particularly in its present form, as the main object of the Bill is principally to provide for the establishment of a National Ranches Commission and for the regulation, preservation, management and control of ranches throughout Nigeria. Nevertheless, it is possible and perhaps likely that the Senate will continue with progress on the Bill and that it might be enacted into law in spite of these arguments. Almost inevita­bly, challenges to the constitutionality of such eventual legislation will follow and it will be ultimately for the courts to decide conclusively.

    There is attraction in the argument that in the absence of any other provision of the Constitution on which the subject matter of the Bill can be predicated (which this article only assumes without conceding), that subject matter is not covered by Item 17(d). Retired Justice Eko is reported to have argued that Item 17 cannot be stretched to include animal husbandry and ranching – and a more detailed and more forceful argument is presented by Chief Sebastian Hon in a 36-page opinion doc­ument. He argues that for a body to be lawfully established under the provisions of Item 17(d) that body must be established for the promo­tion and financing of industrial, commercial or agricultural projects; and, that the current Bill is not so limited in that ‘it is stated to be for the “establishment, management, preser­vation and control” of Ranches throughout Nigeria.’ It is further argued that the putative functions of the proposed National Ranches Commission as listed in the Bill go beyond promotion and financing. (Emphases as in original document)

    On the other hand, it is just possible that the courts will place their own emphases on the interpretation of Item 17(d) of the concurrent list of the Constitution elsewhere, for example on the power to establish institutions, and then also that they might possibly be elastic in their approach to the interpretation of the phrase ‘the promotion or financing of industrial, commercial or agricultural projects.’ There is at least an arguable case that can possibly be made that the establishment of ranches fall within the idea of promotion of an indus­trial or agricultural project. It is possible that the courts may see the setting up of ranches as an industrial or agricultural project and the creation of a commission regarding such a project as the promotion of the project. It is conceded that the foregoing is conjecture and no prediction is being proffered as to the likely direction that the courts, especially, the Supreme Court, will tilt.

    In examining the putative functions of the proposed Commission and, even more impor­tantly, in considering the wider background and socio-economic issues underlying and creating necessity for a bill relating to ranch­ing throughout Nigeria, it is difficult not to question whether such a bill is a proper one to be introduced as a private member’s bill rather than a government sponsored bill. In brief, the Bill is proposed against the background that in recent years Nigeria has been embroiled in a serious crisis of conflict between pasto­ralist herders who typically engage in what is known as ‘open grazing’ on the one hand and other communities, especially farmers, whose property the herders’ cattle might tra­verse. The conflict has resulted in tragic loss of many livesas well as physical and psycho­logical injuries, damage and loss of property, and considerable economic and social damage nationally.


    In light of the seriousness of the herd­er-farmer conflict crisis, both the Federal Gov­ernment and several State governments have been seeking solutions to the problem. Many States have already enacted legislation in re­cent times to prohibit or curtail open grazing and to promote a shift to some form of ranch­ing pastoralism. The Federal Government has also been making efforts to seek out solutions at the national level for the herder-farmer conflict. While Federal Government action is still being awaited and anticipated, the Fed­eral Government itself has in the recent past indicated a preference for a shift away from open grazing pastoralism and also towards a ranching system. As such, a private mem­ber’s bill as the one currently going through the Senate will pre-empt properly formulated government policy and considered action. It is considered that such pre-emption is unde­sirable and would be both unfortunate and counter-productive if the Bill currently going through the Senate were to be enacted.

    In the first place, considering the delicate nature of the herder-farmer crisis and the polarisation that has occurred among com­munities and ethnic groups in the country, a national approach that seeks to engage and to carry along the various stake-holders is to be preferred and has been long recommended. In undertaking its own action, it is expected that the federal government would be working in concert with state governments, particularly in the states most affected, with the various communities involved, with experts, and even with neighbouring countries, particularly in light of the government’s commitments under the ECOWAS and that body’s regional interna­tional instruments relating to transhumant pastoralism. The Bill currently going through parliament falls short on these matters; it is particularly limited and lacking in clarity in relation to the most critical issue of open graz­ing. Additionally, federal government action will involve that government undertaking significant financial commitments; again, the Bill currently going through parliament also falls short on this point as will be seen in a consideration of some of its key substantive provisions below.

    The Contemplated Ranches System and the Proposed National Ranches Commission

    1. The Bill provides for the establishment of a ‘National Ranches Commission’. An im­mediately arising concern is how this Com­mission is to be funded. The Bill is not explicit or specific on this point and there is no clear indication that the Federal Government will be obligatedto provide funding. Instead, clause 14(1) of the Bill provides that the Commission is to maintain a fund while clause 14(2)(a) pro­vides that such sums as may be provided by the government of the Federation shall be paid and credited into the fund. Additionally, the Bill provides in clause 7 that the Commission may accept gifts, on terms provided by the do­nor organisation for that matter, though not being contrary to the objectives and functions of the Commission. It is also provided in clause 8 that the Commission may borrow money by way of overdraft or loan subject to ministerial approval and, in clause 14(2)(b), that any fees that the Commission charges for its services as well as any gift, endowment etc shall also be paid and credited to the fund.

    The lack of clarity in relation to obligatory sources of funding for the Commission is an alarming concern, especially considering that one of the causes of the failure of previous efforts to steer away from open grazing pas­toralism towards a reserve system was inade­quate funding. If the funding of the system and Ranches contemplated by the Bill is lacking or inadequate, the result once again would be predictable failure of the objectives of the Bill and lack of resolution of the issues that the Bill supposedly seeks to address.

    2. The Bill contemplates the establishment of ‘National Ranches’ which are, among other things, to be managed by the proposed Nation­al Ranches Commission. National Ranches as contemplated by the Bill ‘means any area constituted or established as National Ranch under’ the proposed legislation. It is further provided in Clause 6(c) of the Bill that one of the functions of the intended National Ranch­es Commission is ‘determining the number of ranches to be established per state.’The Bill does not seem to address, at least not directly or clearly, whether and how the ‘National Ranch­es’ are to operate alongside other ranches, ei­ther entirely private ranches or those estab­lished under ‘anti-grazing’ legislation enacted by States, for example the Prohibition of Cattle and other Ruminants Grazing in Ekiti State Law2016. The Ekiti State’s legislation clear­ly provides by its terms that it is prohibited to allow cattle ‘to graze on any land in which the Governor has not designated as ranches’. Thus, the question of how National Ranches established under the proposed legislation are to operate alongside those ranches designated as such by the Governor of Ekiti State (as one example) really needs to be addressed, whereas the current Bill does not do so.

    3. The Ekiti State’s anti-grazing law permits grazing, during permitted hours, in lands des­ignated as ranches by the governor. On the oth­er hand, the Bill going through the Senate pro­vides in clause 22(7) that no livestock or cattle shall be allowed to wander, roam, move and or graze outside the National Ranches. Evidently, in the absence of modification or clarification, there is going to be what should be an entirely avoidable conflict with the Ekiti State’s legis­lation and similar legislation of other states. Additionally, and again without modification or clarification, the potential effect of clause 22(7) of the current Bill would seem to be to inhibit the operation of private ranches. It is rather doubtful that this is a deliberate intend­ed outcome of the Bill and the contemplated legislation. In any event, it is considered that the provisions of clause 22(7) are not sufficient if intended as a prohibition on open grazing nationally. Fuller, more explicit, better consid­ered and better integrated drafting of intended prohibition of open grazing on a national basis is considered desirable.

    Omission to Address and Reflect Nige­ria’s International Obligations under the ECOWAS Protocols Relating to Transhu­mance

    As a member state of ECOWAS Nigeria has obligations under some of that organisation’s instruments, including instruments on free movement of persons and relating to trans­humance. The ECOWAS Protocol Relating to Free Movement of Persons, Residence and Es­tablishment introduced in 1979provides that ECOWAS ‘Community Citizens’ have the right to enter, reside and establish in the territory of Member States.

    A supplementary Protocol obliges Member States to grant right of residence to nationals of other Member States for the purpose of seeking and carrying out income earning em­ployment. Another provides, additionally, that seasonal and itinerant workers shall enjoy all rights to which they are entitled through their presence and their work in the territory of the host Member State. A further supplementary Protocol sets out provisions concerning the right of establishment, access and ability to carry out economic activities, by nationals of one member state in another.

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