• Acting CJN Cautions CJs On Conflicting Judgements, Ex Parte Orders – Independent Newspaper Nigeria

    Acting cjn cautions cjs on conflicting judgements ex parte orders independent newspaper nigeria - nigeria newspapers online
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    ABUJA – Acting Chief Justice of Nigeria, Justice Kudirat Kekere-Ekun, has cautioned Heads of Courts in the country to be wary of the way judicial officers under their various jurisdictions grant exparte orders, and deliver conflicting judgements, in the discharge of their adjudicatory duties.

    Justice Kekere-Ekun gave the warning on Monday, at the 2024 round table for heads of courts organized by the National Judicial Institute Abuja.

    Delivering a keynote speech at the occasion, the acting CJN noted that the round table as an annual event implemented by the National Judicial Institute, has the core objective of deepening the leadership competencies and capacities of Heads of Courts, in order to enhance the effective functioning of the Nigerian judiciary.

    In a bid to address some of the challenges bedevilling the judiciary, Justice Kekere-Ekun stated that the issue of conflicting decisions among courts is a pressing matter that requires our urgent attention.

    “As Heads of Courts, it is incumbent upon us to ensure that our courts deliver decisions that are consistent with established judicial precedents.

    “This is necessary to maintain the stability and predictability of the legal system.

    “Conflicting judgments not only confuse litigants and the public, but they also undermine public confidence in the judiciary as a whole” the CJN said.

    She therefore charged Heads of Courts to consider strategies for fostering greater consistency in judgments at all levels of the judiciary, such as increased coordination and effective communication between courts.

    More so, Justice Kekere-Ekun noted that the issue of ex parte orders have come under scrutiny in recent times.

    Even though they serve an important function in urgent situations, the acting CJN insisted that judicial officers must ensure that they are granted judiciously and only in circumstances that truly warrant such action.

    “Over reliance on ex parte orders without due consideration can erode public confidence in the judiciary.

    “The granting of ex parte orders should be carefully evaluated to ensure it aligns with legal principles and is not prone to abuse.

    “I urge us to
    be circumspect in their issuance, and when issued, to do so with full regard for the interests of justice and fairness, Justice Kekere-Ekun warned.


    Also, she restated the need for Heads of Courts to take proactive steps to address the issue of protracted delays in the trial and conclusion of cases.

    “We must consider measures that promote the expeditious handling of cases, and I am hopeful that at this gathering, we will be able to collectively devise effective strategies and proffer workable solutions to resolve the extant issues.

    In addition, the acting CJN urged Heads of Courts to realize that there official status does not in any way create a master-servant relationship between them and judges but one that must foster a relationship characterized by mutual respect and a sense of camaraderie.

    While acknowledging the need for an independent and financially autonomous Judiciary, Justice Kekere-Ekun tasked the leadership of the judiciary at various levels to continue to work hard to guard the independence and sanctity of the Judiciary.

    Earlier in his welcome address, the Administrator of NJI, Justice Salisu Abdullahi (rtd), stated that the theme of the round table; “Strengthening the Legal and Judicial Systems in Nigeria” sets the tone for participants to discuss challenges encountered in the course of the discharge of their adjudicative and administrative duties, and to proffer workable solutions in that regard.

    In line with the theme, Justice Abdullahi emphasized the need for Heads of Courts to work assiduously towards ensuring the speedy dispensation of justice.

    “Doubtless, the desire to ensure that the standard of our justice sector is at par with global best practices, can only be fulfilled through our collective efforts and unwavering commitment.

    “As we are all aware My Lords, effective Court management systems must be put in place for Courts to seamlessly discharge their functions” the NJI Administrator stated.

    Justice Abdullahi stressed the need for heads of courts to jealously guard their independence from undue influence, and to utilize their positions as leaders to equally encourage their brother Judges to follow this same path.

    “I must enjoin your Lordships to display the characteristics of astute and good leaders; be firm but also endeavour to foster cordial and harmonious relationships with your Brother Judges and support staff.

    “You must also be discerning, displaying wisdom and foresight at all times, while taking cognizance of the overall impact of your decisions on the image of the Judiciary.

    “You must continually commit yourselves to yourselves to improving the quality of justice delivery in the Courts.

    “To this end, you must painstakingly make efforts to enhance the process of your Courts in ways that promote confidence and trust in the judicial system, Justice Abdullahi advised. END.

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