• Apapa NSE tasks manufacturers on environment friendly production

    Apapa nse tasks manufacturers on environment friendly production - nigeria newspapers online
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     The Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE) on Friday called on manufacturers in Nigeria to adopt environment friendly production and maintenance options to conserve energy and reduce carbon footprints.

    The Society made the call at the 2022 Annual Dinner organised by the Apapa Branch of NSE held in Surulere, Lagos.

    The Guest Speaker, Mr Segun Ogungbemi, said that energy was a major input for manufacturers, hence the need for engineers to adopt suitable options that capture environmental protection.

    Ogungbemi, who is the Utilities Manager, Nigeria Business Unit, Nigerian Bottling Company Ltd, explained how carbon dioxide was formed resulting in greenhouse emissions and climate change.

    Speaking on the topic: “Engineering impact on Environment (Carbon Emissions) And Cost in Manufacturing Sector” he explained the technicalities for adoption of energy efficiency while capturing safety.

    Ogungbemi, also a member of NSE, explained how engineers could save costs for firms through selection of equipment types that are energy sufficient while minimising carbon emissions.

    “We tried to have a combination of the renewable and fossil fuels. As engineers we are faced with this dilemma,” he said.

    He said the highest energy efficiency for gas or diesel engines were between 30 to 45 per cent, while the balance carbon emissions goes into the environment, hence the need to recycle the waste.

    He explained how wastes generated through various fossils could be recycled through a waste recovery mechanism for further use in heating, cooling or other manufacturing procedures.

    He warned that used machines being shipped into Nigeria from Europe were no longer energy efficient in those countries, adding that, though they were cheap, they would require more electricity thereby increasing manufacturing costs.

    The President of the Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE), Mr Tasiu Gadari-Wudil, also explained how engineers could adopt environment friendly maintenance options for industrial gas turbines while saving cost.

    Earlier, Gadari-Wudil, represented by the inaugural Chairman, Apapa NSE, Chief Akintunde Zedomi, while appealed  to members to always attend meetings and programmes.

    Zedomi stressed the need for active participation as well as payment of dues to drive the vision of the branch and growth of the nation.

    “The branch is going to have its directory very soon,” he said.

    The Chairman of NSE Apapa branch, Mr Babatunde Awode, said the annual dinner was to ensure members and their families came together to wine and dine, interact and thank God for the year.

    While presenting gifts to couples that regularly attended the Society’s programmes together, Awode said that NSE promoted such gesture and urged other members to always bring their spouses along.

    The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that awards were presented to the guest speaker, some firms and other deserving engineers amid dancing and other activities. (NAN).

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