• Brighter Horizons Ahead As Data-Driven Decisions Reshape Power And Utilities – Independent Newspaper Nigeria

    Brighter horizons ahead as data-driven decisions reshape power and utilities independent newspaper nigeria - nigeria newspapers online
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    The power sector has more data than ever on nearly every pro­cess in its value chain. Now, new technologies are helping make sense of all those details to provide com­petitive advantages, and it’s not a moment too soon, says David Thomason, Industry Principal, Power Generation at AVEVA.

    Power has an essential role in today’s world. It fuels economic growth, supports industry, and provides billions of people with electricity for everyday needs. But evolving dynamics are changing the sector in many ways.

    Renewables’ share of global electricity generation will exceed one third by 2024. Depending on weather conditions, next year may be the first in which more elec­tricity worldwide is generated from renew­ables than coal, according to International Energy Agency forecasts.

    Emissions regulations, meanwhile, are tightening. Power companies there­fore face a pressing need to make their operations more efficient, and improve reliability, resiliency and safety – while reducing greenhouse gas emissions in line with global net-zero commitments.

    Power majors have been early adopters of digital transformation, in part to help deal with such dynamics. Cue a wide­spread adoption of smart grids, internet of things devices, advanced sensors and digital twins.

    With these tools, power plants are now highly sensorised, continuously collecting and storing vast amounts of data every day.

    However, aggregate data volumes are growing faster than ever. Scaled up, data from every industry and consumer pro­cess will reach 180 zettabytes by 2025, up from 64.2 zettabytes in 2020, according to Statista.

    In the 21st century, data is the new gold. Yet, in this sea of data, the real challenge lies in extracting meaningful insights that enhance how we generate, distribute, and consume energy. Like gold, data needs to be mined, refined and molded into shape before it yields its true value.

    In the power sector, just 20-30% of avail­able data is being put to use, McKinsey research shows.

    Now, advanced technologies are play­ing a crucial role in making sense of this data. From statistical analysis to machine learning, artificial intelligence and cloud computing, these tools and capabilities are helping power companies to process, analyze, visualize and interpret data effi­ciently for better decision making.

    The power sector understands data is key to overcoming tackling complex mar­ket challenges. Cloud-based data manage­ment systems can help organize, archive and contextualise data from a wide range of sources.

    Such systems complement physical in­frastructure and serve as a foundation – or single source of truth – for all operations data.

    With access to this single digital thread, users across an organization can analyze extensive operational data in context from edge to enterprise.

    Energy Queensland, which serves 2.3 million customers across the Australian state, uses data to monitor grid capac­ity. Large solar farms produce greater amounts of renewable energy and in­dependent, home-based units have put downward pressure on operating costs. By utilizing real-time data on grid infrastruc­ture, weather, and geographic features, en­gineers efficiently managed power flow, reducing unplanned outages, and maxi­mising network capacity.

    This approach improved customer sat­isfaction while increasing asset utilization by 20%.

    Detect and correct anomalies across the value chain


    Reliable, on-demand power requires a stable grid, but pressures for more sustain­able practices are on the rise. Predictive analytics solutions can put operations data to good use.

    By leveraging historical and real-time data, predictive analytics algorithms help anticipate future demand, supply fluctu­ations, and potential grid instabilities, enabling utilities to take proactive and preventive measures to assure reliable supplies.

    The technology also supports predictive maintenance practices, so equipment fail­ures can be detected in advance, slashing downtime, optimising asset management and using fewer resources – leading to improved cost and sustainability impacts.

    Ontario Power Generation (OPG) is one of North America’s largest clean power producers. It uses a predictive analytics system natively integrated with a cloud-based data management tool across its renewable and nuclear fleet, thereby en­abling AI-infused condition-based main­tenance.

    Engineers don’t need to manually down­load and analyze transformer data any lon­ger and the company has now shifted to a predictive operating model, using over 1,200 predictive and prescriptive mainte­nance operating models. OPG saved up to $4 million in efficiency savings achieved within the first 24 months, while cutting risk and improving operational efficiency by freeing up 3,000 annual maintenance hours.

    Get a holistic view of enterprise op­erations

    Different types of data are being col­lected across the power and energy sector. Besides engineering and operations, such data can come from financial and enter­prise sources, as well as from external suppliers and partners.

    Modern technology solutions such as a Unified Operations Center (UOC) can integrate these sets into a holistic picture for complete end-to-end visualization and unlock faster returns on investment.

    In the energy sector, for example, the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company, a di­versified group of energy companies, cen­tralizes millions of data points across its entire value chain at its Panorama Digital Command Centre, enabling savings of be­tween $60 million and $100 million.

    Enable frictionless data sharing for multiple stakeholders

    With distributed resources becoming commonplace thanks to the growth of re­newable energy supplies, an interconnect­ed electric grid supply chain is crucial. Seamless power generation requires that multiple stakeholders are able to access different datasets from power producers.

    Emerging solutions such as a scalable SaaS products can now respond to these needs, providing secure and customized access to each stakeholder as required to meet its specific responsibilities within the network. In California, consulting firm ZGlobal and electricity provider Silicon Valley Clean Energy have pioneered a da­ta-sharing community using a cloud data management SaaS.

    The partners can securely share the re­spective real-time and historical datasets with multiple stakeholders, including pro­ducers, suppliers, schedulers and auditors.

    Each player has a customized, periodic report with all the information they need. Thousands of dollars have been saved on power purchases. And overall, data trans­parency, collaboration, and trust have im­proved, while enhancing security.

    As the power industry continues to be transformed at many different levels, operators will need to become more resil­ient, reliable and efficient. The value of in­sights becomes even more critical in these situations, empowering the power sector to adapt to evolving challenges, such as cli­mate change, increasing energy demand, and regulatory requirements, while pav­ing the way for a greener, more efficient, and interconnected energy future.

    Data-driven insights can a competitive advantage that helps companies navigate the rapidly changing market with agility.

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