• CBN ‘Don Miss Road’! – Independent Newspaper Nigeria

    Cbn don miss road independent newspaper nigeria - nigeria newspapers online
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     By: Sir Henry Olujimi Boyo (Les Leba) first published in December 2015


    Last week this column repub­lished “Does CBN Mastermind the Brazen Rape of the Treasury?” It exposes how banks continue to profit regardless of the declining economy and the struggles faced by everyday Nigerians.

    (See www.betternaijanow.com for this series and more articles by the Late Sir Henry Boyo)

    Today’s republication emphasiz­es the trend in the malfunctioning of the Nigerian economy. It dis­cusses the dangers of unbridled inflation and provides comparisons that spell out the way forward to a system that implements policies which serve local industries, en­suring they thrive so that the peo­ple benefit. It emphasizes how the depreciating value of the Naira is at the root of the accepted struggle, and paints a clear picture that the major hurdle to progress lies in the hands of leaders who place self in­terest above all else.

    As you read through the below ar­ticle taking note of previous events or rates, keep in mind its year of publi­cation (2015), a clear indication that Nigeria’s economic situation is yet to improve even after all this time.

    The Central Bank of Nige­ria, is, currently obviously losing the battle to arrest in­flation and the unyielding slide in the Naira’s exchange rate.

    Regrettably, with inflation con­sistently closer to 10 percent, all static incomes have lost over 40 percent of purchasing values since 2010; thus, the laborer’s N18,000 min­imum wage may just be worth less than N10,800 today; inevitably, elder citizens whose pension incomes are static, have also become destitute.

    Instructively, however, spiraling inflation is usually, primarily, trig­gered by uncontrolled and liberal money supply (otherwise known as excess liquidity), chasing relatively few goods and services. Indeed, spi­raling inflation spells doom for the economy and people of any country. Consequently, Monetary authorities in successful economies, invariably endeavor to keep inflation below 2 percent by avoiding a surfeit of money supply!

    Unfortunately, the prevailing ir­repressible inflation rates were com­pounded by over 25 percent Naira devaluation this year. Consequently, the Naira plummeted from N160 to below N270=$1 in the parallel mar­ket, while the huge margin between both rates has expectedly encour­aged financial malfeasance with sig­nificant market distortions, which invariably promote rent seeking and discourages any serious com­mitment to grow the real sector, and create more jobs.

    Historically, Nigeria’s discom­fortingly rising rate of unem­ployment and deepening poverty correlates loyally with the Naira’s steady depreciation from 50kobo to N197=$1; thus, in order to enjoy the same purchasing value that 50kobo commanded before 1980, Nigerians must perform the impossible task of working almost 400 times harder today!

    Inevitably, therefore, the conse­quences of high inflation rates and a sliding Naira exchange rate have ultimately propelled us amongst the World’s poorest nations; sadly, this is, conversely against the trend that promised impressive economic growth and social prosperity when the Naira was much stronger at 50kobo=$1.

    Incidentally, dollar scarcity can­not be the primary cause of weaker Naira exchange rates as often al­leged; for example, Nigeria earned bounteous dollar revenue when crude oil prices rose steadily from $53.41/barrel in 1979 to well over $140/barrel in 2008, while average output has also remained consis­tently above 2million barrels/day since return to civil rule; indeed, part of the fortuitously, consolidat­ed revenue surplus of over $12bn was sunk into the power sector without much impact, while an­other $18bn also became available for the controversial London/Paris Club debt exit.


    Furthermore, in compliance with IMF recommendations to liberalise our ‘embarrassingly’ increasing dollar supply, the CBN licensed about 3,000 Bureau De Change and provided them with weekly dollar allocations that of­ten-exceeded total forex provision to the real sector; ironically, Nigeri­ans could, in addition, access up to $150,000 with Naira debit cards at official exchange rates from ATMs abroad annually. However, despite our healthy reserve base, Naira, inexplicably, still depreciated from N80 to N160=$1!

    Nevertheless, in order to con­serve forex, in the wake of the pres­ent collapse in crude prices, CBN has reduced international ATM withdrawals to $300/day (about $110,000 annually); inexplicably, ev­ery account holder is also entitled to additional $7,000 weekly ($336,000 annually), for international POS Transactions. It is undeniable that these liberal payment platforms provide ample opportunity to fund smuggling, currency round trip­ping and money laundering, and it is therefore not surprising that Nigeria, ultimately became one of the largest markets for Bulk Curren­cy trade. Curiously, CBN has kept these individual forex windows wide open, while genuine real sec­tor businesses which add value and create jobs are constrained to pa­tiently await official allocations or alternatively patronise, oppressive black market dollar rates to fund their operations.

    Instructively, however, if the PRIMARY cause of Naira’s de­preciation is not identified and addressed, the forex market would steadily become unraveled and the parallel market rate may alarming­ly exceed N400=$1 with disastrous economic consequences in 2016.

    Historically, CBN’s attempts to manage Naira exchange rate have always been targeted at curbing dollar demand. It is instructive how­ever, that increasing dollar demand is actually a function of public per­ception of the dollar as a stronger and safer store of value than Nai­ra. Thus, unless actual market dy­namics alter this perception, any attempt to control dollar demand or restrict access to supply, will invari­ably only instigate further rejection of the Naira as a safe store of value, and the demand pressure for the dol­lar will persist.

    If, however, the CBN recognis­es, that persistently surplus Naira is the prime determinant of the dollar/Naira exchange rate, then, our decades long sojourn in the wilderness of monetary strategy will end. Evidently, the unceasing suffocation of systemic Naira li­quidity invariably weakens Naira exchange rate in a market where CBN, conversely auctions ‘small’ rations of dollars weekly. Clearly, so long as Excess Naira supply re­mains an abiding market albatross, the Naira exchange rate will surely be condemned to further deprecia­tion even if oil prices rebound.

    It is critically pertinent therefore to seriously interrogate the prima­ry cause of systemic Naira surplus. Incidentally, former CBN Governor, Chukwuma Soludo noted after an MPC meeting in June, 2005 that:

    “The major source (cause) of huge liquidity injection has been the monetisation (read as the sub­stitution of naira allocation for dol­lar denominated revenue) of $1bn from the 2004 excess crude earnings amounting to over N160bn and this has contributed to the liquidity surge.” Soludo therefore warned that… “the (adverse) consequenc­es of excess liquidity (inflation and weaker Naira) stare us in the face.” If, indeed, according to Soludo, Nai­ra substitution for just $1b distrib­utable revenue wreaks such havoc on liquidity, one can only imagine what damage Naira substitution for an estimated $30bn annual distrib­utable revenue would cause.

    Instructively however, just two weeks to the end of 2015, in defer­ence to the prevailing problematic liquidity surfeit, the CBN again in­dicated its intention to borrow and store another N135bn as idle funds.

    Similarly, the CBN also decided to remove N1,220bn ($6.13bn) from the projected systemic Naira li­quidity with sales of government Treasury bills before March ending 2016. Notably, Treasury Bill sales is CBN’s instrument of choice for reducing money supply, and estab­lishing price stability in the market place.

    Furthermore, later in December 2015, the Apex Bank and the Debt Management Office also borrowed over N50bn long term loans, despite the attendant double digit interest rates which are clearly inconsistent with sovereign, risk free, loans of resource endowed countries such as Nigeria. Revealingly, these govern­ment loans were all oversubscribed by well over a 100 percent, i.e., a loud attestation to the prevailing high systemic liquidity, and also testi­mony of the stranglehold of banks on sovereign debts in preference to real sector lending.

    Indeed, it is questionable why credit from Nigerian banks should be so expensive in a money market that is allegedly weighed down by Excess Naira liquidity. Surely, no commodity becomes more expen­sive when it is in surplus supply.

    Nevertheless, despite our re­duced export revenue, unless, there is an urgent intervention by either President Buhari or the Legislature, Naira liquidity surfeit would clearly remain a challenge to poverty allevi­ation and the realisation of vibrant and inclusive economic growth in 2016 and thereafter. Advisedly, how­ever, the adoption of dollar certifi­cates/warrant for allocating dollar denominated revenue will surely minimise Naira liquidity and shore up the Naira value in the market and also positively restrain infla­tion. A steady hardening of Naira exchange rate will also gradually encourage public preference for the Naira as a stronger store of value than the dollar.

    Evidently, so long as CBN contin­ues to tackle the problem of an ev­er-sliding Naira rate from the prism of demand for dollars, rather than frontally addressing the bogey of eternally surplus Naira, the end of our economic dislocation and deep­ening poverty will never be in sight.


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