As Emir Sanusi embarks on his fifth day at Gidan Rumfa, a multitude of esteemed individuals from both within and beyond Kano continue to throng the palace to pledge allegiance to him.
Recall that on Monday, additional district heads and members of the Tijjaniyya Shura Council paid homage to him, reaffirming their unwavering loyalty.
Under the guiding leadership of Khalifa Sheikh Sani Shehu Maihula, the Tijjaniyya Shura Council reiterated their steadfast support for the Emir.
Moreover, esteemed members such as Khalifa Saiyadi Bashir, Khalifa Abdullahi Uwaisu, Sheikh Ibrahim Shehu Maihula, Khalifa S. Sukairaj, Khalifa H. Kafanga, Barrister Habibu Dan Almajiri, and Saiyadi Ibrahim Abubakar have endorsed Emir Sanusi as the lawful ruler of Kano.
During Wednesday’s sitting a diverse array of dignitaries, notably politicians, have affirmed their allegiance to the emir.
It could be recalled that during his initial court session on Sunday, the Emir received the fealty of 40 district heads and prominent individuals within the council.
Upon taking up residence in the palace, these district heads and council members humbly prostrated themselves before him, emblematically acknowledging his rightful position as the Em of Kano.