An Institution of the Economic Communities Of West African States, West African Power Pool disclosed its plan to boost the Nigerian energy system with a 330KV transmission line from Nigeria to Benin.
According to the Nigerian Coordinator for the ESIA/RAP,Mamoud Abubakar, the interconnection from Nigeria to Benin would help to enhance the reliability of the Nigerian power grid while promoting economic development.
This was made known in a stakeholders’ forum held in Abeokuta, to sensitise the public on the project by ensuring that the relevant quarters such as the stakeholders and the local populace especially are abreast of the information.
Abubakar explained that it was essential to inform the populace of the status of the project to facilitate acceptance and support while discussing the mitigations and compensation measures for the affected communities during the course of the project.
He further revealed that the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment project which has attracted approval from the Transmission Company of Nigeria, the African Development Bank, the Federal Ministry of Power and others, would be certified by the Federal Ministry of Environment at the implementation stage in line with the ESIA procedure.
Speaking on the project, Abubakar said, “The West African Power Pool is a specialized institution of the ECOWAS, which ensures regional power system integration and the realization of a regional electricity market.
“The WAPP is made up of public and private generation, transmission, and distribution companies involved in the operation of electricity in West Africa.
“The 330 kV DC Nigeria-Benin Interconnection Reinforcement Project is part of this large regional network integration process.
“The project is under the auspices of the WAPP in collaboration with the Transmission Company of Nigeria in Nigeria, and the Communauté Electrique du Bénin in Benin.
“The project primarily consists in the construction and operation of about 130km 330 kV DC interconnection line between Nigeria and Benin with a right-of-way of 50 m.
“The new line comprises the following two sections: Ajegunle – (Ado-Odo/Ota LGA, Nigeria) – Onigbolo (Benin) -78.7km; Onigbolo – Sakété (Benin) -51.4km.
”It is anticipated that the project will supply electricity to communities (between 500 to 2,500 inhabitants) within a 5-km radius from the proposed line.”
He stated that the project would be of benefit to the country and the local populace in terms of; the generation of training opportunities for the local labour during construction; an increase in tax revenue collection by the government can be expected due to the stimulation of the local economy; creation of temporary jobs during construction (priority to the local labour force); increase of the capacity, efficiency and reliability of the electric grid reducing power failures; amongst others.
The coordinator also revealed that the ECOWAS-sponsored programme which would be counter-funded by the Federal Ministry of Power has put in place compensation measures for individuals that would be affected by the project.
Abubakar said that the AfDB would be rendering assets as compensation for individuals who are economically or physically affected by the project.
He said, “The Resettlement Action Plan presents the stakeholders’ eligibility to compensation aspect and resettlement program details for the local community and PAP.
“The compensation costs are calculated on basis of the area involved, the use and the main building material; Crop lands, crops cultivated and economic trees.”