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    2 hours ago

    Submission as a word has been in the spotlight recently. It’s the go-to word when men want to describe the qualities of a good wife. A ready-made example for them is the women of older generations: our mothers. This topic is a leading cause of gender wars and failed relationships. While men believe that submission is the…

    20 May

    Let’s face it – Mondays can be rough. Monday blues are that feeling of sluggishness and low motivation that often accompanies the start of a new workweek. It is a common feeling experienced by many people, especially office workers. Fortunately, there are several strategies you can employ to beat the Monday blues and set yourself…

    19 May

    Is your phone feeling a bit… ordinary? Don’t worry! Even the most basic phone has tricks and features waiting to be discovered. There are so many things your phone can do, but you do not know. Here’s how to turn your phone into a productivity powerhouse: Protect your eyes: Night Owl Mode: Feeling tired at…

    16 May

    Your wedding ring symbolises a lifelong commitment and should be a reflection of your personal style and love story. Choosing the perfect wedding ring involves considering various factors, from the type of metal and design to the budget and maintenance. In this guide, we will explore the different types of wedding rings available, and factors…

    15 May

    Imagine having a versatile assistant who can write your projects, brainstorm ideas, and code for you without getting tired or asking for payment. Now this is where the ChatGPT 4.0, comes in. Developed by OpenAI, it represents a significant advancement in AI language models. Unlike the previous version, 3.5, This GPT is built to understand…

    21 Apr

    The recently auctioned record-setting artwork of the Nigerian/British artist, Olaolu Slawn, is titled, ‘Alara, Ajero, and Orangun’. These three Yoruba ‘Obas’ are children of Oduduwa in the corpus of Yoruba history and philosophy. However, this artwork is characterised by exaggerated facial features resembling those of monkeys, a portrayal often seen in the Western media, and…

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