• FG Warns Insurance Practitioners Against Unwholesome Practices – Independent Newspaper Nigeria

    Fg warns insurance practitioners against unwholesome practices independent newspaper nigeria - nigeria newspapers online
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    LAGOS – The National Insurance Com­mission (NAICOM), has warned insurance profes­sionals against unethical practices that would further smear the image of the industry rather they should work to improve public trust and confidence in the sector.

    Segun Omosehin, the Commission­er for Insurance and Chief Executive Officer at NAICOM, handed down the warning on the 12th of September at the 21st Professional Forum organised by the Chartered Insurance Institute of Nigeria (CIIN) in Abeokuta, Ogun State, South West Nigeria.

    The theme for this year’s forum was tagged: “The insurance Industry: Transformation Strategies towards Expanding Market Reach.”

    According to him, for the under­writing sector to meet the target of market expansion and growth, the sector must cultivate a wide range of skill sets and orientation.

    The CFI added that the attraction and retention of talents, diversifica­tion of products spectrum, improve­ment on adaptability and agility, transparency and openness, should form the key factors in achieving the industry-wide dream.

    He urged the operators to invest in technology, improve trust and confi­dence in insurance, ensure adequate capital and expertise that would pro­vide them with the edge to compete favourably with other sectors of the economy.

    “In order to meet the target of mar­ket expansion and growth, the insur­ance industry must develop a wide range of new skill sets and orienta­tion, attract and retain talents, diver­sify our products spectrum, improve our adaptability and agility, improve on transparency and openness, invest in technology, improve trust and confi­dence in insurance, have institutions that compete favourably with other sectors in terms of liquidity, capital­isation and expertise. These and many more factors are to be considered if we must see the insurance industry of our dreams.” The CFI stressed.

    He further asserted that as an in­dustry enthusiastic about opening up insurance market in the country and deepening penetration, professional­ism and ethics are key saying: “I want to urge us to look inward and re-ap­praise our professional and business ethics and conduct. As professionals, we must conduct our business with utmost integrity and in manners that does not bring disrepute to the insur­ance profession.”


    He maintained that the Commis­sion is prioritising issue of accessibil­ity to insurance products across the country and is keen about increasing penetration as he emphasized that the conduct of insurance practitioners in building and maintaining trust of con­sumers is our primary responsibility, expressing optimism that that will gal­vanise growth and deepen penetration in the country.

    Omosehin, emphasised the need for adoption of risk-based supervi­sion and risk-based capital saying they have become inevitable if the industry should compete with its counterparts across the globe and remain relevant in the management of risks of our ex­isting and potential customers.

    “Dear professionals, strong finan­cial base is key to our success as an industry. As a Commission, we have resolved to pursue, as a priority, the safety and soundness of our regulat­ed entities. Remember the words of Benjamin Franklin: “one rotten apple, spoils the barrel”.

    We are all witnesses to what this has caused us as an industry and are now more determined to rid ourselves of that cankerworm.

    Every other strategy we discussed above depends solely on a strong corporate governance culture in our entities.

    The Commission will always em­phasize the importance of strong Corporate Governance practices in the survival of business entities.

    The quality of the strategies and decisions made on behalf of those entities would determine how far they can go and how strategically positioned they will be in the sector’s contribution to national output”, he said.

    He implored the cooperation and support of all stakeholders as an inte­gral factor to the success of the trans­formation strategies to be adopted for the growth and development of the in­dustry calling all players, profession­als, associations to come to the table, bringing their expertise, to maximis­ing their differences and building yet again a stronger and better insurance industry.

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