• General Omoko Advice Detractors Not To Truncate Otuaro’s Effort To Transform PAP – Independent Newspaper Nigeria

    General omoko advice detractors not to truncate otuaros effort to transform pap independent newspaper nigeria - nigeria newspapers online
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    WARRI – General Omoko, the coordinator Coalition of Urhobo Isoko Ex-Agitators forum and Coordinator Presidential support committee (PSC), a prominent figure in the Niger Delta, based in Abuja, in a bid to silence critics and detractors, has issued an advice to those attempting to undermine the positive strides being made by Chief Dr. Dennis Burutu Otuaro, the newly appointed Administrator of the Presidential Amnesty Programme (PAP).
    General Omoko emphasized that Otuaro’s leadership has brought a fresh and much-needed approach to the program, which has long been plagued by inefficiencies and controversies.

    Otuaro, who hails from the Ijaw ethnic group, has been the subject of criticism, particularly from certain factions within the Niger Delta. However, General Omoko urged stakeholders in the region to set aside tribal differences and focus on the common goal of improving the PAP for the benefit of the entire Niger Delta region.

    “Chief Dr. Dennis Otuaro is not just working for his people; he is working for the entire Niger Delta. His vision for the PAP is clear, he seeks to restructure and transform it into an efficient and equitable program for all stakeholders. It is in our collective interest to support his efforts rather than allow narrow tribal sentiments to derail the progress being made,” General Omoko, said during a press briefing.

    PAP Under Scrutiny, Shows that Otuaro’s Approach Brings Hope.
    Since his appointment as the Administrator of PAP, Otuaro has faced criticism from various quarters, but the truth remains that Otuaro came on board to restore hope to the system.

    General Omoko who further dismissed the negative claims, stressed that Otuaro’s leadership is not about tribal favoritism but about improving the program for the good of the entire Niger Delta region. “What we are witnessing today is the restructuring of the Presidential Amnesty Program (PAP), under a capable leader. Chief Dr Dennis Otuaro, vision is not exclusive to the Ijaws alone, it is inclusive of every ethnic group in the Niger Delta region, General Omoko noted.

    In his short time in office, Chief Dr, Dennis Otuaro, has already embarked on a tour of the region to engage with various stakeholders and assess the challenges that have hindered the success of the program. He has initiated consultations with leaders from all ethnic groups in the Niger Delta, including the Urhobos, Itsekiris, Isokos, Ogoni, and other ethic groups in the Niger Delta region,to foster unity and collaboration.


    Calls for Support and Unity Among Niger Delta Stakeholders

    General lucky Jonah, (aka oil money) secretary of the group Who also spoke , made it clear that the transformation of the PAP requires the support of all Niger Delta stakeholders, regardless of ethnic background. He criticized those who have attempted to sow discord by framing the leadership of the program as an Ijaw-only affair. “We cannot afford to be divided at a time when we should be working together. The Niger Delta is home to many ethnic groups, and PAP must serve them all. This is what Chief Dennis Otuaro, is striving to achieve,” he said.

    General Lucky Jonah further commended Otuaro’s proactive steps in addressing some of the longstanding grievances within the program, such as delays in stipends and inadequate support for former agitators. According to General Lucky Jonah, Chief Dr Dennis Otuaro, has already taken steps to streamline payments and improve the welfare of beneficiaries, ensuring that the program remains true to its original mission of empowering former militants and fostering peace in the region.

    A Call to Detractors: “Give Chief Dr Dennis Otuaro, a Chance”
    General Lucky Jonah urged detractors to reconsider their opposition and give Otuaro the opportunity to implement his vision for the Presidential Amnesty Program (PAP) “Change takes time, and we must be patient. Chief Dr. Dennis Otuaro is only just beginning to implement his plans, If given him our support, I am confident that we will see positive changes in the coming months,” he asserted.

    He also praised Chief Dennis Otuaro, effort to engage with the Nigerian military and other security agencies in curbing illegal activities in the Niger Delta, including oil bunkering and pipeline vandalism. General Omoko, emphasized that the success of the Presidential Amnesty Program (PAP), is critical to maintaining peace and stability in the region.

    “Chief Dr. Dennis Otuaro has the support of all peace-loving people in the Niger Delta region. Let us rally behind and support him as he works to make the PAP a better place for all of us,” General Omoko concluded.

    As the debate over the leadership of the Presidential Amnesty Program (PAP) continues, many in the region are watching closely to see how Chief Dennis Otuaro, navigates the challenges ahead. With General Omoko, endorsement and the growing support from various stakeholders, Chief Dennis Otuaro, may very well succeed in transforming the PAP into an inclusive and effective program that benefits all Niger Deltans, regardless of their ethnic background.

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