• IBEDC to compensate family of electrocuted Ogun victim with N5m

    Ibedc to compensate family of electrocuted ogun victim with n5m - nigeria newspapers online
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    The Ibadan Electricity Distribution Company (IBEDC) has pledged to give N5million compensation to the family of the late Mallam Guda, who was electrocuted in November 2023.

    The firm promised to give the money by mid May 2024 after a meeting between the deceased’s family and the representatives of IBEDC at the regional office in Abeokuta.

    Recall that All Electricity Consumers Protection group has accused IBEDC of criminal negligence which allegedly led to the death of Guda, a customer under the distribution company network in Ogun State.

    Confirming the development, National Coordinator of All-Electricity Consumer Protection Forum (AECPF), Adeola Samuel-Ilori, said the move by the DisCo is a welcome development as it’s their responsibility to cater for the dependents of the deceased.

    He stressed that the move by the Disco came late after concerted effort from his office and the involvement of the media. He said: “Even if it’s still a promise, at least they have signed the agreement and with the assurance of paying them before the end of May.

    “They should do it on or before the promised date, if not, we will pick the fight again. This time, the pending petition against those involved in the negligence act will be reviewed and made to face the consequences of their voluntary manslaughter case.”

    “We must make them responsible and alert to their service delivery.”

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