• I’m Passionate About How Technology Simplifies, Elevates Lives Of Nigerians – Adesanya – Independent Newspaper Nigeria

    Im passionate about how technology simplifies elevates lives of nigerians adesanya independent newspaper nigeria - nigeria newspapers online
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    Adeyinka Adesanya is an innovative product management professional with expertise in solution delivery using Agile and Waterfall Methodologies. In this interview with VICTORIA OJUGBANA, she gave a deep insight into how product management is evolving in Nigeria and what it takes to be a successful product manager. Excerpts:

    How did you journey into the world of product manage­ment?

    My journey into the world of product manage­ment was not planned. After completing a degree in Mass Communication, I was drawn to the vi­brant world of technology.

    My first job was at iTap Solutions Limited, where I worked as a customer service represen­tative.

    While I was helping customers troubleshoot issues with our software, some expressed their struggles with understanding how to utilise our Deluxe application effectively.

    They found the setup to be rigid and confusing, which led to frequent queries and mounting frus­tration based on the feedback I got from our users.

    I proposed the development of a comprehen­sive Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the application.

    My idea was to create a clear, step-by-step guide that would walk users through the various func­tionalities of the Deluxe application, making it more accessible and user-friendly.

    To support my proposal, I shared specific ex­amples from user feedback, highlighting common areas of confusion and frustration.

    I emphasised how a well-structured SOP could empower users with the knowledge they needed to navigate the application confidently.

    This, in turn, would likely reduce the volume of support queries and enhance the overall user experience.

    My proposal was met with enthusiasm from the team. We collaborated to design and implement the SOP, ensuring it was comprehensive, yet easy to understand.

    After the launch, we monitored user feedback closely and observed a significant decrease in sup­port queries related to navigation and functionality.

    Users reported a smoother, more intuitive ex­perience with the Deluxe application, validating the positive impact of the SOP.

    This experience underscored the value of lis­tening to user feedback and proactively acting on their queries.

    It also highlighted the importance of clear communication and thorough documentation in improving product usability and customer satis­faction. Although the journey was not without its challenges, transitioning from Mass Communi­cation to a tech-focused role required me to learn new skills and adapt to a different way of thinking.

    I spent countless hours studying, attending workshops, and seeking advice from industry ex­perts to bridge the gap.

    Looking back on my journey, I am reminded of the importance of staying open to new opportuni­ties and embracing challenges and opportunities for growth.

    While my path into product management may have been unconventional, it has been a reward­ing journey filled with learning, growing, and the thrill of bringing innovative ideas to life in the ever-evolving tech landscape of Nigeria.

    I am passionate about the way technology sim­plifies and elevates the lives of people in Nigeria and across the globe.

    Despite my relatively young age in the industry, I have developed a deep understanding of how to leverage market feedback, stakeholder manage­ment, and cross-functional team inputs to develop nimble processes and create concise product road maps.

    Tell us how important product managers are to firms and which companies need their services?

    Product managers are essential in today’s busi­ness landscape, providing strategic vision, foster­ing cross-functional collaboration, and driving product success.

    We ensure that product development aligns with company goals and market needs, and act as the voice of the customer, by overseeing the en­tire product lifecycle from ideation to post-launch evaluation.

    Their decisions directly impact market perfor­mance and revenue. For example, in the tech sec­tor, product managers are pivotal in the sense that they guide the development of innovative software and hardware products, ensuring that they meet market demands and stay ahead of competitors.

    Our expertise in Agile methodologies and us­er-centric design is crucial for creating products that resonate with users and drive adoption.

    What is your view on product management in Nigeria today?


    Personally, I would say that product manage­ment in Nigeria is rapidly evolving, driven by a flourishing tech ecosystem and a growing number of startups, particularly in cities like Lagos. For in­stance, I was given the opportunity to manage one of our products and I made sure that the company implemented the Diluxe Application at the leading Nigerian asset management firm.

    In the beginning, the firm faced challenges in efficiently managing a diverse portfolio due to their limited technological infrastructure available as they had an outdated system.

    Meetings were held and we successfully trans­formed our portfolio management processes, driv­ing greater efficiency, transparency, and ultimately, better investment outcomes for our clients.

    This experience underscored the importance of innovation and adaptability in overcoming challenges posed by limited technological infra­structure.

    Despite the challenges such as limited funding, regulatory hurdles, and a shortage of experienced mentors, the field is maturing daily and Nigerian product managers are gaining global recognition by participating in international forums, and fostering a strong sense of community through professional groups and meet-ups.

    What do you think that companies should be looking forward to in a product manager?

    In selecting product managers, companies need to look for individuals who embody a unique blend of skills and qualities tailored to the demands of the role. For instance, for a tech company, candi­dates should demonstrate a solid grasp of technical concepts relevant to the company’s products or services.

    While they do not necessarily need to be soft­ware programmers, a thorough understanding of how technology works enables effective collab­oration with engineering teams, which ensures that product development, aligns with technical feasibility. Moreover, successful product managers should possess a strategic mindset, capable of envi­sioning the trajectory of the product and aligning it with overarching business objectives.

    This strategic acumen allows them to define a clear product vision, develop long-term roadmaps, and identify market opportunities that drive sus­tainable growth.

    Also, a keen understanding of customer’s needs and behavior is paramount since it allows them to make informed decisions that resonate with the target audience.

    By prioritising user experience and satisfac­tion, they can ensure that products meet and ex­ceed customer expectations.

    Leadership skills are equally paramount. Prod­uct managers must inspire and guide cross-func­tional teams comprising individuals with diverse backgrounds and expertise. Effective leadership fosters collaboration, motivates team members, and ensures alignment towards common goals, ultimately driving product success.

    Furthermore, the ability to communicate well is indispensable. Product managers must possess the ability to articulate complex ideas clearly and persuasively to diverse stakeholders, both internally and externally. Whether conveying the product vision, aligning teams, or presenting progress updates, strong communication skills are instrumental in driving consensus and facilitating collaboration.

    Analytical prowess is another prerequisite. Da­ta-driven decision-making enables product manag­ers to prioritise features, assess market trends, and optimise product strategies for maximum impact.

    By leveraging insights gleaned from metrics and analytics, they can steer product develop­ment in the right direction and drive continuous improvement.

    In today’s fast-paced tech landscape, adapt­ability and resilience are indispensable qualities. Product managers must thrive in dynamic en­vironments characterised by rapid change and uncertainty.

    The ability to pivot strategies quickly in re­sponse to evolving market conditions or unfore­seen challenges is essential for maintaining mo­mentum and achieving long-term success.

    Moreover, a culture of innovation is fundamen­tal to driving product excellence.

    Product managers should encourage creativity and experimentation within their teams, fostering an environment where novel ideas are embraced, explored, and translated into tangible product in­novations.

    Effective project management is also critical. Proficiency in Agile methodologies enables prod­uct managers to orchestrate product development cycles efficiently, prioritise tasks effectively, and en­sure the timely delivery of high-quality products.

    A strong grasp of business fundamentals rounds out the ideal skill set for a product manager.

    Understanding financial aspects such as bud­geting, pricing strategies, and revenue models equips them to make informed decisions that drive business success while maximising return on investment.

    In essence, by seeking candidates who embody these qualities, companies can ensure they have the leadership and expertise necessary to drive in­novation, deliver value to customers, and maintain a competitive edge in today’s dynamic business landscape.

    What other soft skills do you think that a product manag­er needs to possess?

    In the fast-paced world of product management, technical expertise is only part of the equation for success.

    Soft skills play a crucial role in driving product success and fostering effective communication, collaboration, and innovation.

    Mastering these soft skills is essential for us to excel in our roles as product managers and to build strong relationships, navigate challenges, and drive innovation in product development.

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