• Industry stakeholders advocate sustainable marketing

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    Industry stakeholders advocate sustainable marketing

    Nigerian Breweries Plc

    Industry stakeholders have called on businesses in the country to engage in sustainable marketing because consumers are becoming more conscious of environmental imprints.

    Issues bordering on business sustainability took centre stage when industry stakeholders gathered at this year’s industry summit.

    That was one of the outcomes of this year’s Industry Summit with the theme ‘Sustainable Marketing for Growth’, held recently in Lagos.

    The summit, which was organised by December 29 Media, played host to business leaders drawn from the consumer goods sector, who discussed ways to remain sustainable in times of economic adversity.

    Delivering his keynote paper, the Marketing Director of Nigerian Breweries, Emmanuel Oriakhi, represented by the company’s Portfolio Manager, Samson Oloche, pointed out that as consumers become more conscious of their environmental imprint, sustainable marketing has become indispensable.

    According to Oriakhi, staying profitable in business would require catering for consumers with varying expectations and various needs.

    He said, “It is important to know that we cannot talk about fixing an industry without addressing the problems each individual group in the industry faces to be able to fashion out a holistic solution to the total group.”

    He further stressed that sustainable marketing ensures that marketers adopt ways of ensuring that the expectations are met.

    He added, “There is so much consumers want from brands and so as brand managers, what we are giving in terms of value should be beyond what we are getting from the consumers.”

    According to the Head of Sustainability at Access Holdings, represented by the company’s Head of Communication, Moji Coker, effective marketing requires that a company innovate by producing new products and services while improving and updating existing ones.

    She said, “Companies adopt innovative methods through new product development, product packaging, positioning strategies, specifications, market segmentation, customer value, delivery of goods and customer satisfaction.

    “Enlightened marketers and sustainable businesses understand how to market new products or enter new markets successfully. They also know that the perfect way to grow and achieve success is always offering consumers what they want.”

    Meanwhile, the Brand, Strategy and Communications Manager at Stanbic IBTC, Rita Akao, emphasised the importance of strategic communication for business success.

    She stated, “Plan to integrate a strategic plan to reach the right audience at the right time, drive the best results. Select the best intervals for your communication. Consider having a specific plan per project also. Be consistent.”

    Additionally, the event’s panellists reached a consensus that consumers played a pivotal role in brand building.

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