• NASC appoints Altine as SLA to Wamakko

    Nasc appoints altine as sla to wamakko - nigeria newspapers online
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    The National Assembly Service Commission(NASC) has appointed Alhaji Ahmad Baba-Altine as Senior Legislative Aide (SLA) to Sen. Aliyu Wamakko (APC-Sokoto North)..

    This development is contained in a statement issued to newsmen by Bashar Abubakar, his Special Assistant on Media, on Friday in Sokoto.

    According to Abubakar, the appointment was contained in a latter signed by the Director, Zonal Offices and Legislative Aides Department of the National Assembly, Mr James Ekeji.

    Abubakar said that the appointment followed the recommendation by Wamakko to the commission.

    He quoted Wamakko, while congratulating the new appointee, as charging him to work closely with all the staffers of his office to ensure diligence and efficiency.

    The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the new appointee hails from Sokoto North Local Government Area in the State.

    NAN also recalls that Baba-Altine was the immediate past Executive Secretary of the State Arabic and Islamic Education Board. (NAN)

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