• NDE unveils training for 25 unemployed graduates on solar

    Nde unveils training for 25 unemployed graduates on solar - nigeria newspapers online
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    The National Directorate of Employment (NDE) has unveiled the training of 25 unemployed graduates in Kano on solar power installation and maintenance to reduce unemployment amongst youths.

    Unveiling the training in Kano on Friday, Mr Inuwa Abdullahi, Director of the agency in Kano, tasked the trainees on commitment.

    He said that the training was in partnership with the Abuja Graduate School and will be conducted simultaneously in many states.

    The training, according to the Director, is aimed at providing Nigerian youths with skills to become self-reliant and employers of labour.

    He tasked the beneficiaries on commitment and seriousness during and after the training, for their collective benefit.

    According to the Director, “Solar energy is the best alternative to the dilapidating power supply in the country.”

    Speaking on behalf of the participants, Mrs Maryam Abdulkadir, described the training as life changing and explanatory.

    She commended the agency for the opportunity and pledged to utilize her newly-acquired skills effectively.

    “This new skill will influence our economic capacity and will enable us to be self reliant.” Abdulkadir said. (NAN)

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