• NNPC As A NationalLifeline Under Mele Kyari – Independent Newspaper Nigeria

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    When you advocate for ef­ficiency and positively impact society, you will always find individuals rallying behind you.

    Integrity and proficiency cultivate trust. When individuals consistently exhibit excellence, openness, ethical conduct, and proficiency in their du­ties, they garner the trust and admi­ration of those in their midst.

    This trust serves as the corner­stone of robust, nurturing relation­ships, be it in personal life or the pro­fessional realm. People are naturally inclined towards those they can de­pend on, and they are more inclined to support and champion individuals whose skills they hold in high regard.

    The Group Chief Executive Offi­cer (GCEO) of the Nigerian National Petroleum Company Limited (NNP­CL), Mele Kyari, has demonstrated remarkable competence and formi­dable capabilities in the way he has positively transformed the fortunes of the company since assuming of­fice on July 7, 2019, as the leader of the former NNPC. This transition oc­curred during a crucial juncture not only for the organization but also for the entire Nigerian oil and gas sector, as well as the national economy.

    It was a tumultuous period marked by diminished production, escalat­ing vandalism of oil pipelines, wide­spread oil theft, and a disheartened workforce within the organization

    He embraced a strategic frame­work for operations that was found­ed on four fundamental principles: Transparency, Accountability, and Performance Excellence.

    These core values played a pivotal role in signaling a significant shift towards improvement, a prophecy that was indeed fulfilled.

    His endeavors swiftly commenced the revitalization of the NNPC, and following his appointment in 2021 as the chief executive officer of the revamped NNPCL by then President Muhammadu Buhari, these guiding principles became the cornerstone for the ongoing efforts to guide the company towards global excellence.

    Since assuming the role of NNPCL GCEO, the company’s performance under his leadership has been noth­ing short of remarkable.

    He has successfully navigated through challenges and obstacles that once seemed insurmountable, turn­ing them around with finesse.

    A significant aspect of his legacy will center on his endeavors and mon­umental progress in revamping the company’s fortunes and the entire oil and gas sector, particularly through his vigorous campaigns against the rampant theft of Nigeria’s oil by criminal syndicates and individuals.

    This situation had long hindered Nigeria from meeting its oil produc­tion targets. While this accomplish­ment is commendable, it represents only a fraction of the exceptional work he has undertaken.

    Kyari has adeptly leveraged his extensive experience and foresight to oversee the metamorphosis of the NNPCL into a more transparent, ef­ficient, and lucrative entity.

    Of course, every captivating nar­rative encounters challenges. The recent discrepancies between select private sector entities and regulato­ry bodies in the oil and gas industry appear to be one of those obstacles.

    However, I am confident that these hurdles will not tarnish an otherwise impeccable track record of service to the nation.

    It comes as no surprise that loud voices of support are resonating from various quarters in favor of Mele Kyari amidst calls for his dismissal.

    These negative calls have been amplified by a statement attributed to the deputy spokesperson of the House of Representatives, Phillip Agbese, who expressed the House’s readiness to demand the removal of the diligent and effective NNPCL leader due to the recent turmoil in the oil and gas sector.

    Most recent among such expres­sions of solidarity is the pronounce­ment issued by the Coalition of Anio­ma Youths Stakeholders.

    The essence of the extensive press release by the Coalition revolves around their strong disapproval of the remarks made by Phillip Agbese, particularly his insinuation that the House of Representatives may advo­cate for the removal of Mele Kyari.

    The coalition condemned Agbese’s assertions as reckless and deceptive, affirming that Kyari and the NNPC have indeed provided backing to pri­vate sector entities within the bounds of legal regulatory frameworks.

    The coalition took it further and questioned Agbese’s motives, noting his prior silence on legislative mat­ters and accusing him of prioritizing personal interests.


    They defended the efforts of Kyari thus far and his impacts in turning the fortunes of the company around in his time at the helm and urged the House leadership to caution Agbese to maintain neutrality and impartial­ity.

    This articulate rebuttal by the Coa­lition of Anioma youth stakeholders is not unexpected, and further sim­ilar responses are anticipated due to the substantial positive impact of the work accomplished by the NNPCL leader thus far.

    Particularly noteworthy is his un­wavering commitment to ensuring the company operates at an interna­tional standard, thereby preventing any individual from monopolizing the oil and gas sector.

    Kyari has consistently emphasized the necessity of adhering to due pro­cess in all endeavors, while unequivo­cally asserting that the establishment of private refineries is encouraged.

    However, he emphasiases that the sale of crude oil must adhere to glob­al norms, devoid of any semblance of corruption or favoritism.

    One of Kyari’s most remarkable ac­complishments during his tenure has been the introduction of measures to enhance transparency and account­ability within the NNPCL.

    Under his guidance, the corpora­tion released its audited financial statements for the first time in its his­tory, establishing a new benchmark for openness in Nigeria’s oil and gas sector.

    This initiative has been commend­ed for cultivating increased trust and confidence among stakeholders, in­cluding the government, internation­al investors, and the Nigerian public.

    Kyari has orchestrated a remark­able financial transformation for the NNPCL. Under his stewardship, the corporation achieved a profit not seen in almost 44 years, garnering a net profit exceeding N200 billion in 2020.

    This exceptional feat is ascribed to prudent cost-cutting strategies, heightened operational efficacy, and a strategic emphasis on revenue-gen­erating initiatives.

    Throughout Kyari’s tenure, the NNPCL has undertaken numerous pivotal projects geared towards aug­menting Nigeria’s oil and gas produc­tion capacity.

    These initiatives includes the successful execution of the Ajaoku­ta-Kaduna-Kano (AKK) gas pipeline project, poised to elevate domestic gas utilization and bolster industri­al expansion.

    Furthermore, Kyari has played a pivotal role in advancing the re­furbishment of Nigeria’s refiner­ies, with a keen focus on attaining self-sufficiency in refined petroleum products.

    Kyari has also been a staunch advo­cate for industry reforms. He played a pivotal role in the enactment of the Petroleum Industry Act (PIA), which seeks to revamp the regulatory frame­work governing Nigeria’s oil and gas sector.

    The PIA is anticipated to attract more investments, improve gover­nance, and ensure a fairer distribu­tion of resources. His exceptional leadership during the challenging COVID-19 pandemic is truly note­worthy.

    Furthermore, his recognition of the significance of community en­gagement is evident as Kyari has pri­oritized corporate social responsibili­ty initiatives. Under his guidance, the NNPCL has initiated various projects aimed at enhancing the quality of life in oil-producing regions.

    These initiatives encompass edu­cational programs, healthcare proj­ects, and infrastructure development endeavors.

    Looking forward, Kyari’s vision for the NNPCL appears to revolve around further diversifying Nigeria’s ener­gy portfolio, with a specific focus on renewable energy and reducing the carbon footprint of the oil and gas industry.

    He has articulated a dedication to transforming the NNPCL into a glob­ally competitive energy corporation that contributes to sustainable devel­opment. Mele Kyari’s tenure as GCEO of the NNPCL has been character­ised by notable accomplishments in transparency, financial performance, project implementation, industry re­forms, and community involvement.

    His leadership has not only revo­lutionized the organization but also positioned Nigeria’s oil and gas sec­tor for a more sustainable and pros­perous future.

    Consequently, he rightfully re­ceives the widespread support he is garnering as he appears revitalised to continue the struggle against those aiming to monopolize and impover­ish our collective resources.

    • Tunji Ojo writes from lagos.

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