• Oppressive Minimum Wage And The Futility Of An Increase – Independent Newspaper Nigeria

    Oppressive minimum wage and the futility of an increase independent newspaper nigeria - nigeria newspapers online
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    By: Sir Henry Olujimi Boyo (Les Leba) first published in July 2017


    Last week this column repub­lished “Why ERGP is Bound to Fail- 2.” The article discusses the pre­dicted failure of the government’s growth and recovery plan along with recommendations that could yet be applied to turn Nigeria’s economic decline around.

    (See www.betternaijanow.com for this series and more articles by the Late Sir Henry Boyo)

    This week’s republication is as the title suggests. It discusses the impact of inflation on the minimum wage and why an increase in the lat­ter would do little to help improve the spending power or standard of living of Nigerians considering unbridled inflation, an underlying factor of high levels of youth unem­ployment.

    As you read through the below article taking note of previous events or rates, keep in mind its year of pub­lication (2017), a clear indication that Nigeria’s economic situation is yet to improve even after all this time.

    It would be heartless to ignore organised Labour’s demand for an urgent upward review of the subsisting N18, 000/month min­imum wage, which was established over 6years ago, when this income was above the international value of $150 i.e., above $5/day and more than double the poverty bench mark of less than $2/day.

    Regrettably, as Naira crashed from about N155 between 2010-2011 to the present N360=$1, the purchas­ing power of the same N18, 000 mini­mum wage has now sadly dwindled to barely $0.50. Worse still, this val­ue will pathetically diminish, if the inevitable distortions triggered by annual inflation rates between 10-17 percent, since 2011, are also factored. It is undeniable, therefore, that mil­lions of Nigerians, who earn N18000 monthly salary, would have been shunted down the poverty drain in recent years.

    Furthermore, the collateral reduction in consumer demand caused by the devastating crash in real income value, would invariably also constrain cost effective capaci­ty utilization in factories and other commercial houses, and in turn, ex­pectedly precipitate massive layoffs, with serious social and economic consequences, as indeed, presently amplified by the palpable level of insecurity, seemingly fuelled by a growing number of unemployed youths nationwide.

    In reality, however, with ravaging devaluation and unyielding double digit inflation rates, every salary income that does not increase as fast as the prevailing inflation rate, will invariably compel severe belt tightening in most Nigerian homes. Arguably, the constant inability to successfully stretch depreciating income through every calendar month, may unfortunately, induce the temptation to engage in corrupt enrichment at workplaces and of­fices, particularly when children’s school fees, accommodation and medicare challenges, also require urgent attention. Sadly, in such cir­cumstances, an otherwise upright citizen may begin to rationalise any opportunity for corrupt enrichment as ‘divine’ provision.

    The preceding is not intended to justify corruption in offices and workplaces, but the temptation to engage in corrupt practices would, probably be more courageously dis­missed, if workers’ legitimate wag­es, commanded values that could accommodate some level of dignity in their lifestyles.

    In retrospect, we recall that be­fore the structural adjustment in 1986, middle level administrative of­ficers, including teachers built per­sonal homes and funded (often with significant sacrifice) their children’s education, even up to tertiary level, from legitimate incomes, admittedly, often with support from enterpris­ing spouses.

    Similarly, it is still commonplace in the UK, which was once our colo­nial overlord, for blue collar workers such as drivers and road sweepers, for example, with regular jobs, to ob­tain facilities to buy a car or a house, so long as their projected legitimate income will cover the agreed install­ment or mortgage payments.


    Conversely, it is impossible, for a Nigerian white-collar executive, with an exceptionally handsome N1m monthly salary package, to acquire a simple 3-bedroom apart­ment, after the usual deductions, such as taxes and other existential commitments are made from their legitimate salaries.

    Thus, in view of the obvious social and economic significance of pay­ing realistic living wages, it would be truly inconceivable, to challenge Labour’s pressing demand for an urgent, significant upward review of the minimum wage to N56, 000/ month, (or $3/day) i.e., a purchasing value of about $150/month, when N360=$1, so that the new minimum wage, will in effect, exceed the $2/day poverty benchmark. Nonetheless, a N56, 000 monthly income may still not provide any surplus, as savings, to acquire a car, let alone a house, and indeed, the popular expectation that N56k/month would triple the present spending capacity of N18, 000 and relieve domestic and other existential pressures may regretta­bly remain elusive.

    The title “N56, 000 minimum wage or a stronger Naira?” was first published on May 2nd 2016 in this column; a summary of that arti­cle, follows here after; please read on:

    “Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) President, Comrade Ayuba Wabba told a news conference last week (April 2016), in Abuja that even though it is true that the economy is not doing well, but the law states that wages for workers must be reviewed after every five years”. However, in reality, any significant wage increase, at this time, will re­grettably, most certainly, cripple the economies of several states, as their salary bills, will become tripled to produce heavily lopsided recurrent budget, that will compel more bor­rowing to significantly expand the existing, seriously worrisome debt burden, and ultimately diminish any prospect of impactful infrastructur­al development in most states. Sim­ilarly, private sector business opera­tors, particularly in the vulnerable Small and Medium Enterprises sub­sector, who still manage to survive will become threatened, if N56, 000 becomes enacted as minimum wage for all workers.

    Nonetheless, the joy of a N56, 000 minimum wage will also be quickly erased by a steady rise in the gener­al price level, which will be caused inevitably by surplus naira in the market, and ultimately, inflation rate may well exceed 20 percent from the current volatile springboard of 12.8 percent.

    Invariably, spiraling inflation, will significantly reduce consumer demand, discourage domestic pro­duction and will ultimately fuel an already combustible unemployment rate, with distasteful social and eco­nomic consequences. Unfortunately, the very high cost of borrowing, that is irrepressibly instigated, by the in­explicable albatross of surplus Naira supply, will ultimately also restrain the productive sector’s capacity to create jobs and produce price/qual­ity competitive goods that can earn export revenue.

    Instructively, reprieve from this cyclical bondage may be achieved, only if inflation is tamed to best practice rates below 3 percent; un­fortunately, however, the significant increase in money supply, that is inevitably caused by the 200 per­cent rise in nominal wages across board, would, however, make such fine achievement in monetary man­agement economic salvation impos­sible.

    Furthermore, indeed, any sig­nificant increase in money supply would also quickly compel CBN to also step up its compulsive, coun­terproductive, high interest bor­rowings, to reduce the admittedly bloated Naira values in the system to restrain inflation; unfortunately this process would propel higher interest rates and also crowd out the real sector, from ready access to cheap funds required for expanding domestic production and creating jobs, even when, the funds mopped up with such oppressive cost, simply remain inexplicably sterilized from any use in CBN vaults!

    In fact, in socially sensitive mon­ey markets, in more successfully economies, commercial banks are conversely compelled to pay a mod­est penalty fee to their respective Central Banks to warehouse sur­plus funds which are in the custody of commercial banks.

    Consequently, if high inflation rate fuelled by persistent and in­creasingly excess money supply re­mains untamed, government would need to carefully examine how suc­cessful economies, sensitively man­age money supply to ensure that the presence of surplus money supply does not become problematic to trig­ger inflation beyond, say 3 percent, so that cost of borrowing can remain socially supportive below 10 percent;

    CBN obviously does not deny the conclusion in the ‘Monetary Pol­icy Thrust’ statement in Govern­ment’s ‘Vision 2020’ blueprint, that the monetisation of distributable dollar revenue (read as unilateral determination of rate and substitu­tion of Naira for dollar denominat­ed revenue) is actually the primary cause of persistently excess Naira, with its train of disenabling, and counterproductive monetary indi­ces, such as, unusually high inflation and cost of funds, as well as weaker Naira rates.

    Conversely, astute, best practice management of money supply, par­ticularly with regard to the forex market, will gradually strengthen and sustain Naira below N100=$1. In such event, the subsisting N18, 000 minimum wage, would, with­out much ado and abrasive negoti­ations for wage increases, actually command the purchasing power of almost $200. Fortunately, the liquid­ity problem can become better man­aged if CBN breaks its stranglehold monopoly in the forex market and ceases to auction dollars for higher Naira bids in a market with unceas­ing naira surplus, that is, ironically, largely created by CBN’s unilateral Naira substitution for distributable dollar denominated revenue.


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