• Osun made me proud – Ayu

    Osun made me proud ayu - nigeria newspapers online
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    The National Chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party, Dr Iyorchia Ayu, has said that the people of Osun made him proud by producing the first PDP governor, Ademola Adeleke, from the July Osun governorship election since his inauguration as chairman of the party.

    Ayu called on all Nigerians to join hands to work together so that they can control the government at the local, state and federal level.

    The national chairman disclosed this at the presidential rally of the party in Osogbo on Wednesday.

    He said, “I am here to thank the people of Osun State for the honour they have given to me as a person and the party as a whole, I thank Osun people because you made it possible for me to produce my first governor as the chairman of the PDP. It shows what unity can do and as a united people, you made it possible for the PDP to win this strategic state.

    “The founding fathers of the PDP formed the party to be owned by ordinary people, not any individual, everybody in this party is important and that is why we emphasiee the people. If the people want something done nothing can stop it, I call on all Nigerians to come back and join hands with us, to work with us, so that we can control the government at the local, state and federal levels.

    “He expressed delight at the return of the former Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, and a governorship candidate in the last Osun State election, Yusuf Lasun, for dumping the Labour Party to the PDP while calling on the aggrieved members of the party to forget the past and join the party.

    He noted “I am happy that some people who are misled, who mistakenly left the party for one reason or the other are coming back today. I hope every other person will follow their example and come back to the PDP, because this is a party of hope, the party of the future.

    “Whatever happens in the past, you should forget the past and reunite with every member because we have a big job ahead. If we produce Ademola Adeleke as your governor, you need the support of the Federal Government, if you don’t have the support of the Federal Government, you will continue to live in darkness.â€

    Continuing he said, “This town is very dirty because you have no leader, even when they were leaving they removed everything including cooking utensils, television, and furniture, Adeleke has to buy a new bed, which means that government is an army of occupation, they came and looted and they have gone away, we have talked to your governor to release to you what they have done to your treasury, along the line he will make you know the damage they have done you have no reason whatsoever to vote for them again.â€

    He also called on the people of Osun to vote for the presidential candidate, senators, House of Representatives and state assembly members adding that the governor must have a house of assembly that is friendly and works for him.

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