• PDP won’t accept state of emergency -Wabara, BoT Chair

    Pdp wont accept state of emergency -wabara bot chair - nigeria newspapers online
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    From Okey Sampson, Umuahia

    The Chairman, Board of Trustees (BoT), of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Senator Adolphus Wabara, has said the party would not accept any declaration of state of emergency in Rivers State.

    This is even as the former Senate President has also strongly condemned the police occupation of the headquarters of the 23 Local Government Areas in the state.

    The BoT Chairman who expressed worry over the on-going political developments in the oil -rich state, advised President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, not to allow “self-seeking anti-democratic forces stoking the embers of war in Rivers State”, push him into taking any step that could plunge the state into chaos.

    “There is nothing happening in the state that warrants the call for state of emergency as being demanded by these fake apostles of peace”.

    He warned that any action to undermine democracy or tamper with democratically elected Government of Sir Siminalayi Fubara of Rivers State, could spell doom for the entire country.

    The former Senate President said he was yet to see the constitutionality of Council Chairmen whose tenure had elapsed attempting to perpetuate themselves in office against the laws of the land.

    “I have keenly watched the political developments in Rivers State, and want to place it on record that PDP and the law abiding citizens of this country will not tolerate any attempt to derail democracy in the state.

    “We won’t allow anti-democratic forces and insatiable elements hijack power through the back door in their desperation to hang on to power and hold the state to the jugular.

    “Any attempt to scuttle the democratically elected PDP-led Government in Rivers is a recipe to a political unrest capable of consuming the entire country.

    “I, therefore, call on President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, not to allow greedy and self overrated power drunks to push him into taking steps that could portray him as a despot, and ultimately plunge the country into avoidable upheaval”.

    The PDP BoT Chairman, re-stated the confidence and support of the party to Gov. Fubara’s Government, and assured the Governor of the party’s total support.


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