• Police arrest 25 yrs woman for allegedly killing 3-yrs-old boy in Kebbi

    Police arrest 25 yrs woman for allegedly killing 3-yrs-old boy in kebbi - nigeria newspapers online
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    From Olanrewaju Lawal,Birnin Kebbi

     The Kebbi State Police command has arrested a 25 years old woman, Zara’u Sahabi for allegedly hitting a three years old boy with a wood and killed him.

      Kebbi State Commissioner of police, Mr. Ahmed Magaji Kontagora confirmed this while speaking with newsmen in Birnin Kebbi.

    Kontogara,said the suspect would be charge to Court for culpable homicide.

      According to him, ” on the 2nd December, 2022 at about 1900hrs, one Zara’u Sahabi ‘f’ aged 25yrs of Kwaku village, Kaoje District, Bagudo LGA, while in her room, used a wood and hit one Gadafi Nasiru ‘m’ aged 3yrs on his head.

      ” As a result, he died on the spot. On receipt of the report, a team of Policemen rushed to the scene and arrested the suspect. In the course of investigation, she confessed to the crime. The suspect will be charged to court after completion of investigation”, he said.

     While briefing newsmen about success stories to reduce bandits attack on Kebbi state communities the Commissioner of Police examined that his officers, vigilante have repelled many attempted attacks on some communities, killing members of the bandits gangs and rescued the victims.

      He said: “On 30th November 2022 at about 0630hrs, one Abubakar Abubakar ‘m’ aged 46yrs of Yartudu Tilli village, Bunza LGA, was kidnapped by an unknown armed men in his house. On receipt of the report, the Divisional Police Officer, Zogirma, swiftly led a combined team of Policemen and vigilante, pursued the suspects to Ladda forest and engaged them.

       “Due to the high fire power of the combined forces, the kidnappers abandoned their victim and took to their heels with gun wound injuries. The victim has been rescued unhurt and has been reunited with his family after receiving medical attention at General Hospital, Bunza. Efforts are being intensified to arrest the culprits for prosecution accordingly.

      ” Similarly, On 1/12/2022 at about 0825hrs, some unidentified suspected armed bandits were sighted at Mairairai farms, Bena District of Danko/Wasagu LGA. On receipt of the information, a combined team of Police mobile men stationed at Mairaiarai and Bena camps, Army personnel, vigilante and members of the Yansakai were instantly mobilized.

     “On reaching the scene, they engaged the bandits into a gun duel, as a result of which they repelled the intended attack/kidnapping. Aggressive patrol has been intensified in the area to arrest the bandits who might have escaped with gun wound injuries.

      ” On 5th December, 2022 at about 0130, a gang of kidnappers, armed with dangerous weapons invaded the residence of one Abdullahi Garba ‘m’ of Kataru Village, Kwakware-Bakuwai District, attacked and kidnapped him. On receipt of the report, the Divisional Police Officer, Suru, swiftly mobilized his men and vigilante to the scene, pursued the hoodlums and succeeded in arresting one Shehu Abdu ‘m’ aged 20yrs and Mohammed Aliero Babuga ‘m’ aged 18yrs all of Rugan  Takalafiya village, Bakuwai District of Suru LGA. Efforts are being intensified to arrest the remaining gang members namely: Ali Dogo, Bello Chama and Manora all ‘m’ of the same address, who are still at large, for discreet investigation and prosecution accordingly.

    ” On 6th December, 2022 at about 0935hrs, some suspected yet unidentified armed bandits, stormed Mairairai village in Bena District of Danko/Wasagu LGA, in view of which, the 36pmf personnel stationed at Mairairai camp and vigilante from Bena,  rushed to the scene. As a result, the intended attack was successfully repelled. Consequently, on the same date at about 1140hrs, another set of suspected armed bandits resurfaced between Malekachi and Bakingulbi villages, Bena District in an attempt to strike again. On receipt of the information, the 36PMF personnel, Bena camp, conventional Policemen and vigilante immediately responded as a result of which another serious gun battle ensured. Due to the high fire power of the combined security forces, also the intended attack was instantly repelled. Meanwhile, area remains calm and aggressive patrol is being intensified by the combined team of security personnel with a view to curtail the incursion of the bandits into Kebbi State from neighboring states”.

      The Commissioner of Police warned all the criminally minded individuals in the state to either repent of their evil ways or relocate completely out of the state saying that,the Police is poised to do everything possible to rid the state of criminals or make it un-conducive for them to operate.

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