• President must sack ministers not ready to work – Oduduwa group

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    President must sack ministers not ready to work – Oduduwa group leader

    President Bola Tinubu

    National President, Oduduwa Development Initiative, Akinyele Olasunbo, speaks to DANIEL AYANTOYE about the performance of President Bola Tinubu after one year in office

    President Bola Tinubu will be one year in office. How will you assess his performance?

    In my view, I would give him a 60 per cent score. The reason is that some of the ministers who were working under him did not perform at all. It is just a few of them working. Look at what (Nyesom) Wike is doing in the Federal Capital Territory. He is doing a massive job. I think there is no better day than now. Maybe after his one year in office, he should reshuffle the cabinet. He should choose people who are ready to work for this country. Mr President is prepared to save this country but some people working with him did not perform well.

    But some people have also continued to criticise the President for some of his policies such as the removal of fuel subsidy, and the increase in electricity tariffs, among other issues. They described these issues as anti-people’s policies. What can you say about that?

    As I said earlier, the President is ready to work and to save this country, but for the people around him. The same thing happened during former (President Muhammadu) Buhari’s regime. Until now, we have discovered some non-performing ministers while some are facing trial. It is not possible to satisfy everybody, especially with the population of Nigeria. So, my position is that he performed in some areas while he lacked in some other areas. I think Nigerians should continue to pray for him so that he can lead this country rightly. We need to emphasise that he must remove some of the ministers in his cabinet who are not ready to work.

    But some people think that things became worse when he became the President, especially with the increase in prices of commodities. Will you still blame the people around him for that, and don’t you think there is a need for a change of strategy in his governance style?

    You are right. We are all in Nigeria, and we know the cost of everything before and now. However, I still insist that some people around him are the problem. He is ready to work. Also, some things didn’t start under this government. For instance, insecurity has been with us for a long time now and even worse before. It is not as it was in the past. To lead people is not easy and that is why I said the best Nigerians can do for the government is to pray for them to achieve success.

    We all knew the situation of the country before now. Things had already been spoiled before he came on board. Many thought Buhari was a Messiah not knowing that he would lead us backward. You can see how many people who were in his government have been arrested in connection with one issue or the other. So, they have already done damage to the economy before his arrival. And Rome was not built in a day; even the foundation of Rome was not done in a day. It (Nigeria’s economy) is something that has been damaged for 80 years. We don’t expect magic. He cannot just come and balance everything. I think with time, everything will be okay. I know that all Nigerians will smile very soon.

    Are you not worried that a lot of lives would have been lost due to the level of hardship and insecurity before that time?

    We don’t expect him to do miracles or magic. The damage has been done over the past eight years. We all knew what Emefiele did to us when we had money in our accounts. That happened under the Buhari government, and we all knew what we went through. All this damage has been done before his arrival. So, I think we need to give him some time. I know he would also be worried about the situation he met on the ground when he assumed office. God has already blessed him, and he has everything he needs, but coming on board and seeing the damage on the ground, I am sure he would have been shocked. Let’s keep on praying for him and I believe that after this one year in office, there will be change.

    Before the election, there had been a clamour from different regions, including the Yoruba Nation agitators, who are seeking separation from Nigeria but with the emergence of President Tinubu who came from the South-West, the agitators in his region have continued to call for self-determination. Don’t you think this should call for concern among the Yoruba leaders? 

    This issue of the breaking away of some parts is uncalled for and I think those behind it are political jobbers. If not, what is the basis of such agitation? Instead of you joining hands together to make Nigeria better, you are calling for separation. Do you know what it will cost to break up? What are they talking about? Are they jokers and people looking for what they will eat? If Aare Gani Adams could separate himself from such a movement, you should know it is not a legitimate call. Remember when there was an attack on the Oyo State Secretariat; Sunday Igbowo distanced himself from it.

    But the group, in a letter by their leaders, including Prof. Adebanji Akintoye and Sunday Igbowo, sent to the President recently reinstated that call. Don’t you think the President needs to intervene in the matter now and bring an end to it?

    If you remember, there was a summit last year that involved leaders of the South-West, including the traditional rulers and governors. I think the professor’s statement may be misinterpreted because I have met him several times. As much as he didn’t come out on TV, some people may be misinterpreting him.

    What is your position about calls for restructuring?

    We need it and there is no better time than now. We need to restructure this country and it is very important for us.

    Are you saying that your group is not in support of the breaking away of Yoruba people from Nigeria?

    Well, from now till the next eight years, we will never support such a call. Ours is to pray for President Bola Ahmed Tinubu to succeed and lead this country to a better place.

    Does that mean after eight years, we will join the Yoruba Nation struggle?

    No, that is not what I mean, even though after eight years, we will never support such. Ours is for a better Nigeria irrespective of tribe, or religion. We believe in a better Nigeria centered on the ideology of one Nigeria, one nation.

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