• protest with your PVCs-LP tells Nigerians

    Protest with your pvcs-lp tells nigerians - nigeria newspapers online
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    …Urges youths to shun violence 

    From Adanna Nnamani, Abuja 

    The National Youth Leader of Labour Party (LP), Prince Kennedy Ahanotu, 

    has urged young people who are protesting across the nation over poor leadership, the naira crisis, and fuel shortages to stop damaging government and corporate property and instead, channel their resentment to the polling booths and cast a large number of votes to remove bad leaders.

    Ahanotu  who spoke at a press conference in Abuja held at weekend said: “It’s important we don’t get distracted in the build up to 25th February, 2023 which is the day of protest with our PVCs. Let’s take our resentment to the polling units and massively vote out bad leaders.

    “For too long, we have suffered under the yoke of corruption, insecurity, unemployment, poverty, and underdevelopment. We have seen our dreams shattered and our hopes dashed by the very leaders who were supposed to serve us. We have been left behind by a system that cares more about lining the pockets of the elite than lifting up the masses. Inspiringly, the future of our beloved nation lies in our hands, and I believe that with your vote, we can take back our country, build a Nigeria that is free from epileptic power, poor healthcare, banditry, terrorism, food insecurity, unemployment, lawlessness, unpaid salaries, workers strike, and all the other challenges that have plagued us for this long.”

    The National Youth Leader also advised youths to shun violence and resist being used as tools by desperate politicians in the forthcoming elections.

    He noted that it was common knowledge that some of the party’s opponents would stop at nothing to cause chaos, and advised that Nigerians must not allow themselves to be dragged to their level. 

    “We must remain peaceful, vigilant, and resolute. If you witness any electoral violence, please report it to the electoral commission, security agencies, and health emergency services if any voter is injured. We need to work together to create the new Nigeria that we all deserve. We must be focused without timidly responding to those who may ferment violence to scuttle our efforts because this opportunity is the best and only chance we have to take back our country. Hence I urge all Nigerian Youths and Students to maintain peace but not to a point of foolishness as Nigeria belongs to all of us, and no Nigerian is more Nigerian than another.” He stated. 

    Ahanotu  further called on security agencies to arrest and parade publicly any individual no matter how highly placed who commits any electoral crime including bullying of the electorates. 

    “This election is very important for the survival of Nigeria and Nigerians anticipate neutral, non-partisan professional conduct in support of true democracy comes 25th February, 2023.” He added. 

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