• Sickle cell and inclusion in the workplace

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    Sickle cell and inclusion in the workplace

    Tola Dehinde

    I have always been intrigued by the experiences of individuals living with sickle cell disease in the workplace. Sickle cell patients are among the most hardworking individuals I know, consistently going above and beyond to prove themselves. However, when health complications arise due to sickle cell disease, returning to work can take considerable time. This presents a challenging dilemma: on one hand, there is the healthy employee, and on the other, an equally capable individual with sickle cell disease who may occasionally face health setbacks. As an employer, the decision might seem difficult however, the decision should not be difficult for an employer to hire someone living with sickle cell disease due to reasons related to inclusion.

    Hiring individuals with SCD contributes to a diverse workforce, bringing varied perspectives and experiences that can drive creativity and innovation.  Demonstrating a commitment to equal opportunity for all employees, regardless of their health status, underscores the principles of equity and fairness, which are foundational to an inclusive workplace.

    Inclusion and diversity our fundamental values that enrich the workplace, fostering environment where all employees can thrive. These principles are especially crucial when considering the inclusion of individuals living with chronic illnesses such as Sickle cell disease.  Sickle cell disease, a hereditary blood disorder primarily affecting people of African, Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, and Indian ancestry, present unique challenges that can impact various aspects of life, including employment.  Embracing inclusion and diversity not only enhances workplace culture but also provides significant benefits for both employees and employers.

    Sickle cell disease affects the haemoglobin in red blood cells, causing them to assume a rigid, sickle shape.  These misshaped cells can block blood flow, leading to episodes of severe pain, known as Sickle cell crises, as well as other complications such as anaemia, infection, and organ damage.  Individuals with SCD often require ongoing medical care and may experience frequent hospitalisations.

    Given these challenges, people living with SCD may face difficulties in the workplace, including managing pain, fatigue, and the need for regular medical appointments.  Without proper understanding and support, these challenges can lead to absenteeism, reduced productivity, and even discrimination.  Therefore, it is essential for workplaces to adopt inclusive and diverse practices that accommodate the needs of employees with SCD. Let’s have a look at some examples:

    Inclusion and diversity: the benefits of inclusion and diversity in the workplace is having enhanced employee well-being and productivity.  Inclusive workplaces that provide reasonable accommodations and flexible work arrangements enable employees with SCD to manage their health effectively.  This support can reduce stress, improve job satisfaction, and increase overall productivity. When employees feel valued and understood, they are more to contribute positively and remain committed to their organisation.

    Diverse perspectives and innovation: diversity brings together individuals with varied experiences and perspectives. Employees living with SCD offer unique insights and problem-solving approaches, enriching the collective intelligence of the workplace. This diversity of thought can drive innovation, creativity, and better decision-making, giving organisation a competitive edge.

    Positive organisational culture: a company’s commitment to inclusion and diversity fosters a respectful and supportive work environment. This culture not only attracts top talent but also retains employees by creating a sense of belonging and community.  Employees are more likely to stay with an organisation that demonstrate empathy and understanding towards their personal and health-related needs.

    Compliance and Corporate Social Responsibility: beyond legal compliance, demonstrating a commitment to diversity and inclusion enhances an organisation’s reputation as a socially responsible entity, appealing to customers, clients, and investors who value ethical practices.

    Individuals with sickle cell disease often possess unique strengths and capabilities. Their resilience, determination, and problem-solving skills significantly contributes to the success of an organisation. Inclusive hiring practises expand the talent pool, allowing employers to benefit from the skills and expertise of a broader range of candidates.

    Education and awareness: providing training and resources to educate employees about SCD can promote understanding and reduce stigma. Awareness initiatives can include information sessions, workshops, and accessible materials that explained the condition and its impact on daily life.

    Flexible work arrangements: offering flexible work hours, remote work options, and the ability to take breaks as needed can help employees with SCD manage their help without compromising their work responsibilities. Flexibility in allowing them to attend medical appointments and rest during painful episodes whilst at work.

    Reasonable accommodation: adjusting workloads, modifying tasks, and ensuring comfortable work environment examples of reasonable accommodation. These adjustments demonstrate an organisation commitment to supporting the unique needs of employees living with SCD.

    Support network and resources establishing support groups or providing access to counselling services can create a supportive community within the workplace. Encouraging peer support and providing resources for stress management can significantly enhance the well-being of employees living with SCD.

    Inclusive policies and practices: developing and implementing policies that explicitly support inclusion and diversity and show that the workplace is welcoming to all employees, regardless of their health status. Regularly reviewing these policies and practices helps maintain an inclusive culture.

    In conclusion, I would say that inclusion and diversity and not merely ethical imperatives: they are strategy advantages that enhance organisations’ success. By supporting employees living with sickle cell disease, workplaces can harness the full potential of their diverse workforce, fostering innovation, productivity, and a positive corporate culture. Embracing these values shows that all employees, irrespective of their health challenges, have the opportunity to contribute meaningfully and achieve their full potential.

    Until next time.

    If you would like to get in touch with me about Sickle cell, do so, via my email address; [email protected].  And do check out my blog:     https://www.dailylivingwithsicklecell.com/    My book on Sickle Cell – HOW TO LIVE WITH SICKLE CELL and my other books are available for purchase on www.amazon.

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