• Sugar substitute: Monk fruit (1)

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    Sugar substitute: Monk fruit (1)

    Olufunke Faluyi

    Months ago, a hypertensive patient shared with me how she was admitted to the hospital because her blood pressure suddenly became very high. She said while the doctor was having discussions with her on the need to lose weight, she chipped in that Zobo drink also helps in lowering her blood pressure. She said the doctor gave her a look that suggested “What is the link between blood pressure lowering and Zobo drink”. I burst into serious laughter.

    Let me share another thing. There is a popular Nigerian medical doctor who has warmed his way into the hearts of many by passing medical messages through short drama. In the bid to celebrate World Milk Day on June 1 and also to enumerate how good milk is, he did a short drama with a brand of milk. I went through the comment section and I saw that so many of his followers who already know the truth about milk were displeased with him.

    Dear medical doctors, you may not know but I and the people who have been reading this column for over four years know that Hibiscus sabdariffa (zobo) offers tremendous help for cardiovascular health there are several scientific studies to back this claim up.

    Concerning milk, we do not take it here, instead, we take plant-based milk. We know the truth about the harm that dairy milk can pose to our health. The only thing we use cow milk for is yogurt because fermentation makes it safer for consumption. Well, some of us also use it for home remedies for our skin because it contains lactic acid.

    This looks like a feud that is not going to end but I believe that gradually, medical science and herbal science will reach a common ground someday. Like I always say, “They are Siamese twins, they cannot be separated”.

    This week, I will be talking about Monk fruit, another low-calorie sweetener. It is also known as luohan guo or swingle fruit. It was named after the monks who cultivated it originally. It is botanically called Siraitia grosvenorii. It is a perennial vine of the gourd family, Cucurbitaceae. It is native to southern China. The scientific species name honours Gilbert Hovey Grosvenor, who, as president of the National Geographic Society, helped to fund an expedition in the 1930s to find the living plant in China where it was already being cultivated.

    The process for the manufacture of a useful sweetener from luo han guo was patented in 1995 by Procter & Gamble. The plant is most prized for its sweet fruits as a sweetener. It is rich in compounds called mogrosides which give the fruit its extreme sweetness. Mogroside V is the sweetest and most abundant mogroside in monk fruit.

    Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) practitioners have used this fruit for centuries in the treatment of cough and sore throat. The fruits are generally sold in dried form. The sweetener is created by removing the seeds and skin of the fruit and crushing it to collect the juice, which is then dried into a concentrated powder.

    Monk fruit sweetener is natural and 100–250 times sweeter than sugar. It contains zero calories, so it does not affect blood glucose levels.

    However, some brands blend it with other sugars to balance out its intense sweetness and make it taste more like regular sugar. Some of these added sugars may however cause blood sugar spikes. This is not strange to all of us because we already talked about how store-bought Stevia has added sugars that can raise blood sugar levels.

    Let us see some of the benefits:

    Anticancer properties

    Animal and test-tube research suggests that monk fruit extract inhibits cancer cell growth. One study found that the mogrosides suppressed leukemia cell growth. Another noted powerful inhibitory effect on skin tumors in mice.

    Anti-diabetes properties

    Since monk fruit sweetener has zero calories or carbs, it will not raise blood sugar levels. Therefore, it may be a good option for people with diabetes. In an animal study, rats with type 2 diabetes were given microsites for 13 weeks. The rats showed improved insulin activity and reduced blood sugar levels. The mogroside extract helped prevent complications in the rats with diabetes. The mice also experienced lower oxidative stress as well as increased HDL (good) cholesterol.

    Monk fruit extract may also be able to repair a damaged pancreas and improve insulin production. It promotes helpful antioxidant enzymes in the liver.

    May promote weight loss

    Because monk fruit contains no calories, carbohydrates, or fat, people who want to lose weight may find monk fruit a useful addition to their diet.

    Anti-inflammatory properties

    The mogrosides in monk fruit have antioxidant characteristics, which protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. The damage is a primary source of inflammation, meaning that monk fruit also has anti-inflammatory properties.

    Although inflammation is the body’s natural way of healing itself, chronic inflammation is associated with many health problems. These include heart disease, cancer, arthritis, diabetes, and digestive disorders such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.

    May fight infections

     If someone has an infection caused by germs that resist standard antibiotics, doctors may find them challenging to treat. The overuse of antibiotics is a contributing factor to these infections. Studies suggest that monk fruit may have antibiotic properties. Studies also suggest that monk fruit can fight candida. This yeast can cause painful oral thrush and affect other parts of the body, such as the digestive system.

    Boosts immunity

    Monk fruit polysaccharides can increase the activity and function of immune system organs like the thymus and spleen in mice. They have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and immune-boosting properties. They can also improve immune function in immunocompromised mice or mice with poor immunity. This suggests that monk fruit can have similar effects on humans

    A study titled Effect of a Siraitia Grosvenor extract containing Mogrosides on the Cellular Immune System of Type 1 diabetes mellitus mice by Qi Xiangyang et al revealed that MG (mogroside extract) exhibited antidiabetic effects presumably due to the presence of mogrosides.

    In a study titled Antiproliferative Activity of Triterpene Glycoside Nutrient from Monk Fruit in Colorectal Cancer and Throat Cancer by Can Liu et al, the role and mechanism of mogroside IVe as a phytochemical with anti-colorectal cancer and anti-throat cancer activity were highlighted. As mogroside IVe does not have side effects and is used as a sweetener in many low-calorie foods and drinks, its application as a dietary supplement may have benefits over conventional drugs in terms of cancer prevention effects and user compliance but some monk fruit sweeteners are processed.

    A study titled Physiochemical, rheological, microstructural, and antioxidant properties of yogurt using monk fruit extract as a sweetener by Qingfeng Ban et al concludes that MFE(monk fruit extract) can be used for formulation of yogurt products with a low glycemic index that may be suitable for use by diabetic consumers.

    It is not grown in this clime but you can always find dry ones to buy in Asian supermarkets and Chinese medicine shops. If you suddenly stumble on this fruit, how are you going to make homemade sweetener from it? We will find out.

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