• Tackling The Risks Of Insecure Payment Processing – Independent Newspaper Nigeria

    Tackling the risks of insecure payment processing independent newspaper nigeria - nigeria newspapers online
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    Businesses across the world are losing customers and huge sums due to a rise in payment fraud in the last few years.

    A recent report highlights an alarming 88% global increase in payment fraud between December 2021 and March 2023.

    In an ever-evolving digital world, payment processing is at the heart of every business transaction.

    However, each transaction car­ries significant risks that must be effectively managed and mitigated.

    Consequently, ensuring robust security in payment processing has never been more critical.

    Fintech, the intersection of fi­nance and technology, has emerged as a key catalyst for this transfor­mation.

    Nigerian fintech startups are de­veloping innovative solutions that address the unique challenges of the Nigerian market.

    From mobile payment platforms to digital lending, these startups are expanding financial access to mil­lions of previously underserved Nigerians.

    As the fourth-largest Gross Do­mestic Product (GDP) in Africa with strong consumer spending, Nigeria is ripe for a digital payments boom.

    Total transaction value in the domestic digital payments market is projected to reach $21.32 billion in 2024, with an annual growth rate (CAGR 2024-2028) of 10.06% projected to reach a total amount of US$31.28 billion by 2028.

    However, with the increasing sophistication of payment fraud, many businesses are becoming targets for hackers and cybercrim­inals who exploit insecure payment processing systems.

    These attacks can lead to severe consequences, including financial losses, reputational damage, legal repercussions and a significant loss of customer trust.

    Seerbit, a payment solutions provider in Nigeria, on its blog post highlights the potential risks and consequences of neglecting securi­ty in payment systems and empha­sises the importance of partnering with a trusted payment solutions provider to effectively mitigate these risks.

    Potential Consequences Of Inse­cure Payment Systems

    There are numerous consequenc­es that your business will suffer if you become a victim of fraud due to insecure payment systems.

    Financial Losses

    The lack of strong security mea­sures in your payment systems can leave your business vulnerable to a wide range of fraud, including un­authorised transactions, identity theft, and credit/debit card fraud.

    These threats often lead to signif­icant financial losses for businesses. A 2023 report by IBM revealed that the average global cost of a data breach has risen to $4.45 million, covering both direct expenses like fines and legal fees, as well as indi­rect costs such as customer attrition and lost business opportunities.

    In 2023, three Nigerian fintech companies lost more than N5 bil­lion to hacking incidents between Q1 and Q3 of the year, while another lost N800 million in just one week, according to media reports.

    These alarming incidents high­light significant vulnerabilities within the security architecture of payment systems.

    The rise in security breaches and fraud cases in recent years, along with businesses being compro­mised through their connections to insecure platforms, underscores the critical importance of secure payment processing.

    This highlights the need for busi­nesses to partner with a trusted pay­ment solutions provider.

    Reputational Damage

    Reputational damage from a data breach or fraud often has a longer-lasting impact than the im­mediate financial losses.

    Today’s customers are more aware and concerned about the se­curity of their personal and finan­cial information than ever before.

    A single breach can severely un­dermine customer trust, leading to decreased sales and long-term brand damage. Regaining this trust can be extremely challenging, if not impossible, for many businesses.

    This loss of customers and rev­enue underscores why secure pay­ment systems are crucial for busi­ness survival and growth.

    Legal Repercussions

    Businesses that experience a security breach or fall victim to fraud may face significant legal re­percussions, many of which could be avoidable.


    In cases of payment fraud, af­fected stakeholders might sue the business, or the business may need to engage in expensive legal pro­ceedings against those responsible.

    Additionally, a security breach could indicate non-compliance with industry best practices or current security standards, such as PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Secu­rity Standards), potentially result­ing in substantial fines and other legal consequences.

    How To Secure Your Payment Process And Protect Your Business Against Fraud

    The operational disruption that a fraudulent activity or a breach of your security system can cause will lead to a loss of productivity and efficiency, alongside other con­sequences already discussed in this post.

    Hence, you should place a pre­mium on securing your payment process and protecting your busi­ness against fraud. One of the best ways to achieve this is by relying on a secure payment gateway.

    A payment gateway is a tech­nology that captures and transfers payment data from the customer to the acquiring bank. It acts as an in­termediary between your business website and the financial institu­tion, ensuring the secure transfer of sensitive payment information.

    Payment gateways authorise payments for e-transactions, en­abling businesses to securely ac­cept credit card payments, digital wallets, and other forms of online payment.

    Key Security Features of Pay­ment Gateways

    Below are some of the key secu­rity features a payment gateway must incorporate to ensure secure transactions:

    Encryption and SSL: Encryption converts data into a secure code to prevent unauthorised access.

    Secure Socket Layer (SSL) certif­icates ensure that data transferred between the customer and the mer­chant is encrypted and secure.

    Tokenization: Tokenization replaces sensitive payment infor­mation with a unique identifier or token. This token is used during transactions, keeping the actual payment data secure and reducing the risk of data breaches.

    PCI DSS Compliance: The Pay­ment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) sets security standards for organisations han­dling credit card information.

    Compliance with PCI DSS en­sures that payment gateways ad­here to stringent security measures to protect cardholder data.

    Fraud Detection and Preven­tion Tools: Advanced tools such as CVV verification, address verifica­tion, and AI-based fraud detection systems help identify and prevent fraudulent transactions, safeguard­ing both businesses and customers.

    Trustworthiness: Ensure that the payment gateway has a proven track record and industry certifica­tions to back up its claims of secu­rity and reliability.

    When selecting a payment gate­way for your business, it is crucial to prioritise these key features be­fore trusting them to process your transactions.

    A secure payment gateway en­sures that your payment systems and processing are secure and insu­lates your business from fraud and hacking attacks.

    Payment gateways lacking these essential features should not be con­sidered for your business.

    Benefits of Secure Payment Gateways for Businesses

    There are still some secure pay­ment gateways in the country that offer numerous benefits for busi­nesses such as:

    Enhanced Customer Trust and Satisfaction: A secure payment gate­way builds customer confidence, encouraging repeat purchases and fostering loyalty.

    Reduced Fraud and Charge­backs: By minimising fraud-related losses and reducing chargebacks, businesses can protect their reve­nue and maintain financial stability.

    Regulatory Compliance: Secure payment gateways ensure com­pliance with legal and regulatory standards, helping businesses avoid penalties and legal issues.

    Competitive Advantage: Priori­tising security can serve as a unique selling point, setting businesses apart from competitors and attract­ing security-conscious customers.

    In today’s digital economy, the impact of a security breach or pay­ment fraud can be devastating for businesses.

    As the digital landscape evolves, so do the risks associated with it, making it crucial for businesses to choose secure payment systems proactively.

    Secure payment gateways are vi­tal for maintaining both the success and credibility of any business in the modern digital age. By prioritis­ing robust security measures, busi­nesses can safeguard themselves and their customers, build trust, and ensure seamless transactions.

    Notwithstanding, in the face of all the potential threats around payment processes in Nigeria, some payment platforms in Nigeria, such as SeerBit, are reliable and commit­ted to providing top-tier security to protect businesses and customer data, while also delivering a smooth and efficient payment experience.

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