• The 79th Session UNGA: Challenges and Critiques – Independent Newspaper Nigeria

    The 79th session unga challenges and critiques independent newspaper nigeria - nigeria newspapers online
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    The 79th Session of theUnited Nations GeneralAssembly (UNGA) began on September 10, 2024, bringing together global leaders to address pressing issuesin governance and cooperation. 

    As high-profile meetings approach on September 22-23, it’s crucial to evaluate theUN’s effectiveness in the face of growing geopolitical tensions.

    One major concern is the UN Security Council (UNSC), which often struggles to act decisively in crises. Theongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine highlights this issue, as many resolutions have been vetoed, leading to prolonged suffering. 

    China’s alignment with Russia in this conflict can be attributed to shared interests in countering Western influence, as both nations seek tochallenge the US-led global order. This partnership reflects a broader strategy to strengthen ties against perceived threats, creating a bloc that opposes Western hegemony.


    Similarly, the Israel-Lebanon conflict remains unresolved despite UNpeacekeeping efforts, which have not succeeded in achieving lasting peace. TheUnited States has provided tacit support to Israel, often overlooking criticisms from other nations regarding thehumanitarian impact of its military actions in Gaza. This support can be seen as part of theU.S broader strategic interests in the Middle East, aligning with Israel’s position as a key ally, while many other countries condemn the ongoing violence and advocate for Palestinian rights.

    The UN has also faced criticism for its response to humanitarian crises, particularly in Yemen, where inaction has contributed to a severe famine affecting millions. While initiatives like the Paris Agreement aim to address climate change, many believe the UNhas failed to hold countries accountable for their commitments, stalling progress and risking future generations.

    The Syrian civil war represents another failure, as the UN has struggled to facilitate a ceasefire or peace agreement, hampered by vetoes from powerful member states. Furthermore, internal scandals, including issues of misconduct among peacekeeping troops, have tarnished the UN’s reputation.

    Unity among the UN’s 193 member states is often elusive, hindered by national interests, economic disparities, and cultural differences. Many countries prioritise their agenda over collective action, making it difficult to reach agreements.

    As the UNGA convenes to tackle these global challenges, it must confront its shortcomings. Addressing these issuesis essential for restoring credibility and ensuring effective global governance. 

    It’s only by recognising and addressing these challenges can the UNhope to fulfill its mission of promoting peace, security, and development for all nations.

    Ezenwa Opara is a Public Affairs Analyst and writes from Lagos.

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