• The Farin Ruwa Falls: Nasarawa’s Own Secret Splash

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    The Farin Ruwa Falls: Nasarawa’s Own Secret Splash

    By Kareem Azeez 11 June 2024   |   11:00 am Nigeria is blessed with various hidden treasures, beautiful scenes and interesting places to be visited. One of such places not known to many of us is the Farin Ruwa Falls. Located in Massange village of Farin Ruwa Development Area in Wamba Local Government Area of Nasarawa State. This site is one of Nigeria's tourists heritage,…

    Nigeria is blessed with various hidden treasures, beautiful scenes and interesting places to be visited.

    One of such places not known to many of us is the Farin Ruwa Falls. Located in Massange village of Farin Ruwa Development Area in Wamba Local Government Area of Nasarawa State.

    Farin-Ruwa waterfall. Photo. Guardian

    This site is one of Nigeria’s tourists heritage, infact visited by the then former minister of information and culture, Alhaji Lai Muhammed. He admitted back then in 2021 that the Ruwa falls, goes beyond its beautiful outlook, as it also holds the power of over 40 Megawatts of electricity due to the force of the water.

    The whitish appearance is how it got its name, Farin-Ruwa meaning, white water in Hausa land. It has about seven waterfalls that tumble down like steps. The biggest one is a whooping 30 metres high – that’s taller than three giraffes stacked on top.

    More than just a look:

    Farin Ruwa Falls is fun too, Here’s what you can do:

    Take a dip: Cool off under the falls, but only swim where it’s safe, though there are security around to guide you through.

    Picnic time:  You can go with friends, pack some food and find a nice spot by the falls to eat. Listen to the water and enjoy the breeze, the sound of the waves too, it brings memory of the past.

    Walk around: Walk on the trails near the falls. See all the different plants and maybe find a secret waterfall, there’s too many things to do there.

    Take a picture: Don’t forget to take pictures – you’ll want to remember this beautiful place. Depending on where you are coming from, pictures give you a good reminder.

    READ ALSO: Farin Ruwa Waterfalls: Tourist attraction seeking global attention

    Local love:

    The falls are special to the people who live around them. They have stories about the place. Ask a local – you might learn something new that is not written here, everyday is to discover new things.

    Hopefully this beautiful place becomes an haven, recall former deputy governor of the state, Dr. Emmanuel Akabe, had said “We believe that there are lots of potentials here to be harnessed.

    “We believe that what you have seen is exciting and intriguing and that we need to put resources together to turn it around to a tourists’ haven.

    Your Nasarawa escape:

    Although there are other beautiful places like the Ogbunike cave, manbilla falls, and many beautiful hidden places, this is where we recommend you visit for now. Next time, we would unleash another place you probably didn’t know existed.

    Want to cool off, have fun, and see something amazing? Farin Ruwa Falls are waiting for you! It’s the perfect place to relax and enjoy nature’s beauty. So go check it out.

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