• There’s Been Growing Dissatisfaction Among Lagos Residents – Hon. Ayanlola – Independent Newspaper Nigeria

    Theres been growing dissatisfaction among lagos residents hon Ayanlola independent newspaper nigeria - nigeria newspapers online
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    Hon. Tokunbo Paul Ayanlola, Labour Party (LP) stalwart, contested the House of Assembly seat for the Mushin State constituency in Lagos. Hon. Ayanlola, now an aspirant to Local Government Chairmanship in the area, in this interview with EJIKEME OMENAZU, speaks on his agenda to improve the well-being of Mushin through grassroots leadership, the performance of the APC government in Lagos, among other issues:

    Could you briefly tell us about yourself and your antecedence?

    I am a committed public servant with over a decade of experience in grassroots politics. I have been actively involved in advancing poli­cies and initiatives that improve the lives of people in my constituency. My journey began with communi­ty-based advocacy, where I worked to bring social amenities, educational support, and healthcare improve­ments to underserved areas. I have always believed in participatory governance and have consistently engaged with the people to under­stand their needs and priorities.

    You contested for the House of Assem­bly seat of your constituency in the 2023 election. What was your experience then?

    The 2023 election was a signif­icant learning experience for me. It gave me deeper insight into the electoral process and the concerns of the people. While I did not win the seat, I was humbled by the support I received from my constituency. It also reinforced the need for contin­ued engagement with the grassroots and building a stronger, more robust Labour Party that truly reflects the aspirations of the people.

    How would you explain your failure to win your constituency seat in 2023, considering the excellent performance and popularity of Labour Party in Lagos at that time, especially in the presidential election?

    The Labour Party performed excellently overall, but politics is highly localised. Several factors influenced the outcome in my constituency. Despite the party’s popularity, there were challenges with voter turnout and campaign logistics. Additionally, incumbency power and certain structural factors played a role. Nonetheless, we have learned from these experiences and are strategising to ensure a stronger performance next time.

    As a chieftain of Labour Party, would you say the party commands grassroots support in Mushin area of Lagos where you are a stakeholder?

    Absolutely. The Labour Party has a strong presence at the grassroots level in Mushin. Our focus on peo­ple-centred policies, job creation, and social welfare resonates with the res­idents. We have consistently engaged with community leaders, youth and market women, and their feedback indicates that our message of change is well received. The party continues to grow stronger in Mushin.

    We learnt you are aspiring for the position of Executive Chairman of Mushin Local Council Development Authority (LCDA). Does it mean that you are no longer in­terested in the House of Assembly seat?

    My focus has always been on serving the people, and I believe that local government administra­tion provides a unique opportunity to directly impact the lives of resi­dents. I am still very much commit­ted to representing the people in any capacity that allows for meaningful development, whether at the House of Assembly or as Chairman of Mushin LCDA. For now, my focus is on the chairmanship as I believe it aligns with the immediate needs of the community. Remember that the next House of Assembly election is in 2027.

    As one who aspires for a political position in Mushin, what are your agenda for residents of the area?


    My agenda is built around five core pillars: economic empower­ment, education, healthcare, infra­structure and security. I intend to promote small businesses and en­trepreneurship through skill acqui­sition programmes and grants. I will prioritise improving public schools, ensuring affordable healthcare, and upgrading road networks and drainage systems. Security is also paramount. I plan to work with local security agencies and community leaders to reduce crime and improve safety in Mushin.

    Would you say the All Progressives Congress (APC) controlled Lagos State government has not been fulfilling its re­sponsibilities to the residents of the area? If so, in what areas has it been failing the people?

    Although the APC government has made some strides, there are sev­eral areas where the people of Mush­in feel left behind. Infrastructure de­velopment has been slow, especially in terms of road maintenance and flood control. Healthcare facilities are inadequate and the public school system is underfunded. The Labour Party is committed to addressing these shortcomings by pushing for policies that bring real development to our people.

    As a political leader aspiring for political office, in what ways have you been supporting or assisting the people as a grassroots politician?

    I have always believed in giving back to the community. Over the years, I have organised free health camps, educational scholarships and job placement programmes for youths. I have also contributed to the improvement of local infrastructure by sponsoring the renovation of public spaces and supporting local businesses through financial grants. My approach to politics is based on active involvement in the lives of the people I seek to serve.

    How do you see the performance of the APC administrations which have been in control of Lagos State over the years? Do you think another party can defeat APC in Lagos?

    The APC has had a long reign in Lagos. While they have achieved some successes, there is growing dis­satisfaction among residents. People are calling for a government that is more responsive to their needs, and I believe the Labour Party can pro­vide that alternative. We are gain­ing momentum, and with the right strategy and continued engagement with the electorate, I believe another party can definitely challenge APC’s dominance in Lagos.

    How do you see the way non-indigenes are treated in Lagos, especially those from outside the South West?

    Lagos is a cosmopolitan city, and I believe that every resident, regard­less of origin, should have equal rights and opportunities. While there have been some concerns about the treatment of non-indi­genes, I am confident that with bet­ter leadership and inclusive policies, Lagos can become a place where everyone feels a sense of belonging and can contribute to the state’s de­velopment without discrimination.

    Edo residents will go to the poll on September 21. What s your message for your party’s candidate, Barrister Olumide Akpata?

    As we approach a pivotal moment in Edo State’s history, the power to shape its future lies in the hands of the people.. The upcoming gov­ernorship election is not just an­other event; it is an opportunity to steer Edo State towards a path of progress, equity, and sustainable development. To Edo people, I pres­ent Olumide Akpata, the Labour Party’s candidate who embodies the change they desperately need. Barrister Akpata is a man of integ­rity with a proven track records of leadership and service. Olumide Akpata has always been a staunch advocate for justice, fairness, and the empowerment of the common man. His tenure as the President of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) showcased his commitment to trans­parency, accountability, and the rule of law principles he is ready to bring into governance. Olumide Akpata is not just another politician; he is a visionary leader who understands the unique challenges being faced by in Edo people. His agenda is clear and focused on creating jobs, revital­ising the state’s educational system, ensuring security and fostering an environment where businesses can thrive. Hon. Akpata is committed to harnessing the potential of Edo youth, empowering the women, and ensuring that every Edo citizen feels the impact of governance. The Labour Party’s vision for Edo State is one where no one is left behind. Under Akpata’s leadership, we can build a state where opportunities abound for all, where infrastruc­ture meets the people’s needs, and where governance is truly for the people. On election day, I urge Edo people to vote for Olumide Akpata. Let them choose a future where Edo State stands as a beacon of progress and good governance. Let them elect a leader who will not just lead, but will listen, act, and deliver on his promises. Edo people should vote Labour Party, vote Olumide Akpa­ta. Let everyone join hands to make Edo great again.

    What is your message to Nigerians at this moment of the nation’s history?

    To Nigerians, the time has come for us to take bold and decisive ac­tion to reset our beloved nation. The call for ‘Reset Nigeria Now’ is a call for engagement, collaboration, and constructive dialogue among all citizens. It is a movement aimed at addressing the challenges we face and building a brighter future for every Nigerian. We find ourselves at a critical juncture in our nation’s history. The choices we make today will determine the path we take tomorrow. It is imperative that we come together, as one people, to forge a new direction for Nigeria. This re­set can only be achieved through ac­tive engagement and participation from all sectors of society. First, there is the need to engagement with the youths. Our youth are the heartbeat of our nation. Their ener­gy, creativity, and resilience are un­matched. I urge all young Nigerians to continue to engage in peaceful and constructive activities. Their voices are vital in shaping the future of Nigeria. Their recent demonstra­tions through non-violent protests have shown that they are ready to lead the change we all desire. They should keep pushing for your dreams, and let us work together to create an environment where every youth can thrive. Also, there should be engagement with communities. To the residents of Mushin, my con­stituency and communities across Lagos, I share with you my vision for our collective future. If given the opportunity to serve I pledge to promote community safety by imple­menting robust security measures and fostering community policing initiatives. I intend to empower our youth through comprehensive edu­cational and vocational training pro­grammes; develop infrastructure by improving our roads, healthcare fa­cilities, and public spaces and stimu­late economic growth. I will support local businesses and attracting new investments to create jobs and boost our economy.

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