• Troops arrest wanted gunrunner who coordinated attacks in Plateau

    Troops arrest wanted gunrunner who coordinated attacks in plateau - nigeria newspapers online
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    The Nigerian troops of Operation Safe Heaven (OPHS) have arrested a wanted terrorist gun runner in the North Central region of Plateau State.

    It was gathered that the feat was recorded on June 14, when intelligence operatives tracked and arrested the suspect at Furaka Community in Lamingo axis of Jos Local Government Area (LGA).

    Intelligence sources informed Zagazola Makama, a counter Insurgency media expert, disclosed that the suspect was arrested for participating in the Chrismas eve 2023 attack on parts of Bokkos and Barkin Ladi LGAs of Pleateau State.

    The sources said that during preliminary investigation, the suspect confessed to have coordinated a series of kidnapping activities in Barkin Ladi, Bassa, in Jos East as well as Riyom LGA of Plateau.

    The suspect is being investigated in military custody.

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