• Uncertainty mounts over Biden’s performance at presidential debate

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    Uncertainty mounts over Biden’s performance at presidential debate

    Trump and Biden

    Next Stay Enchanted by the Beautiful City near Cambodia Border – Nếm TV 40 42 00:00 00:00 / 00:00 10 Sec Published By: Paul Dada

    By Paul Dada 

    The woeful performance of US President Joe Biden at the CNN organised presidential debate, has left some Democrats thinking there may be the need for the party to field another candidate in the coming presidential election.

    Not a few persons were shell-shocked to see the 81-year-old old stumble over words and look confused as he faced  Donald Trump who is seeking a return to the Oval Office

    It took 45 minutes for Biden to pummel Trump on abortion rights, his seeming support for the violent the mob that thronged the Capitol during the 2021 handover, and his felony convictions.

    Rather, Biden stumbled in the opening stages and paused for several seconds.

    He could not match Trump’s verbal missiles though analysts say the Republican presidential hopeful’s speech was fraught with many falsehoods.

    Reacting to Biden’s performance, Democratic former White House communications chief Kate Bedingfield told CNN: “There are no two ways about it — that was not a good debate for Joe Biden,” network CNN as the curtain came down on the match-up.

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    A top Biden donor who declined being named, according to Reuters, said: “There is no way to spin this. His performance was disqualifying. There is going to be a call for a brokered convention. Whitmer, Pritzker, Newsom, Beshear. Those could all be the options. It’s inevitable.”

    The donor added: “He (Biden) is a stubborn guy … It cannot be described how bad this performance was.”

    David Axelrod, a senior adviser in Barack Obama’s administration, in his own reaction, said Biden’s performance had led to the confirmation of the fears of those who thought he was too old to be at the helm of affairs at the White House.

    But Vice-President Kamal Harris played down the development. She told CNN: “What we saw tonight is the president making a very clear contrast with Donald Trump on all the issues that matter to the American people. Yes it was a slow start but it was a strong finish”

    Biden himself did not think there was any reason to lose sleep over his performance. He claimed he had a sore throat even as he said: “I think we did well”.

    Speaking about Trump’s delivery, the man seeking reelection, said: “No. It’s hard to debate a liar. The New York Times pointed out he lied 26 times.”


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