• We remain committed to making NAUTH best in Nigeria, says CMD, Ugboaja

    We remain committed to making nauth best in nigeria says cmd ugboaja - nigeria newspapers online
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    From David Onwuchekwa, Nnewi

    The Chief Medical Director of the Nnamdi Azikiwe University Teaching Hospital (NAUTH) Nnewi, Anambra State, Associate Professor Joseph Ugboaja has reiterated the vision of his administration to ensure that NAUTH ranks among the five top best teaching hospitals in Nigeria by 2030 and the best by extension.

    He said this at the weekend to mark the 50th induction ceremony of 82 medical graduands of the faculty of medicine, college of health sciences, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Nnewi campus.

    Associate Professor Ugboaja assured that his vision and mission to transform the NAUTH would continue to receive the needed attention despite the unfriendly nature of macroeconomic and operating environment in Nigeria.

    “We are pursuing this via three main thematic thrusts anchored on infrastructural acquisition, procurement of modern equipment and technology as well as human capital development.

    “Our five strategic pillars include the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), partnerships and collaborations, staff welfare and discipline, robust financial management system as well as innovation and creativity, ” he said.

    The CMD thanked the faculty members and everybody who, according to him, made sure that the graduands received adequate training to enable them practice optimally.

    He said: “We appreciate the parents and guardians for their sacrifices and contributions to ensure that their children and wards graduate and become medical doctors.

    “As a hospital, we are committed to working with the university and college to ensure that our medical undergraduates receive the best of training. This underscores the ongoing efforts at transforming our hospital to one of the best in the country.”

    He congratulated the graduands and everybody that participated in their making.

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