• Where Prosperity Is Unconstitutional – Independent Newspaper Nigeria

    Where prosperity is unconstitutional independent newspaper nigeria - nigeria newspapers online
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    By: Sir Henry Olujimi Boyo (Les Leba) first published in August 2015


    Last week, this column repub­lished ‘Will Dollar Allocations Induce Capital Flight?’ It explains the direct relationship between faulty monetary policy and a strug­gling economy.

    (See www.betternaijanow.com for this series and more articles by the Late Sir Henry Boyo)

    This week’s republication brings Nigeria’s constitution to the fore­front. It examines the law in regard to government responsibility which is meant to ensure that approved policies will improve Nigerians’ quality of life. The article highlights various sections of the constitution to portray a sharp contrast with the ghastly realities to date.

    As you read through the below ar­ticle taking note of previous events or rates, keep in mind its year of publi­cation (2015), a clear indication that Nigeria’s economic situation is yet to improve even after all this time.

    Chapter Two of the 1999 constitution, as amended, defines the “Fundamental Objectives and Directive Principles of State Policy”; thus, this chapter crystallizes the inalienable duty of government to promote pol­icies that would improve the quali­ty of life of all Nigerians who are bound in this social contract. These Objectives and Directive Principles are amplified in the following ex­cerpts from the first four subsec­tions of Chapter Two.

    Section 13: It shall be the duty and responsibility of all organs of government, and of all authorities and persons, exercising legislative, executive or judicial powers, to conform to, observe and apply the provisions of this Chapter of this Constitution.

    Section 14-2b: It is hereby, ac­cordingly, declared that- the security and welfare of the people shall be the primary purpose of govern­ment.

    Section 16-1: The State shall, within the context of the ideals and objectives for which provisions are made in this Constitution-

    (a) Harness the resources of the nation and promote national pros­perity and an efficient, a dynamic and self-reliant economy;

    (b) Control the national economy in such manner as to secure the maximum welfare, freedom and happiness of every citizen on the basis of social justice and equality of status and opportunity;

    Section 16-2: The State shall direct its policy towards ensuring-

    (a) The promotion of a planned and balanced economic develop­ment;


    (b) That the material resources of the nation are harnessed and dis­tributed as best as possible to serve the common good;

    (c) That the economic system is not operated in such a manner as to permit the concentration of wealth or the means of production and ex­change in the hands of few individ­uals or of a group; and

    (d) That suitable and adequate shelter, suitable and adequate food, reasonable national minimum liv­ing wage, old age care and pensions, and unemployment, sick benefits and welfare of the disabled are pro­vided for all citizens.

    Clearly, any sincere observer of the current Nigerian predicament may rightly conclude that the pro­motion of the noble Objectives and Directive Principles enunciated above have been breached with impunity by successive adminis­trations. It would be a hard sell to positively spin the reality that our resources have not been sensibly harnessed to promote national pros­perity or an efficient, dynamic, or self-reliant economy. Ironically, de­spite our abundant natural resource endowment, Nigerians are now sadly listed amongst the world’s poorest nations. Clearly, the stress from severe poverty has therefore minimized our social welfare and happiness. The management of Nigeria’s economy has regrettably concentrated wealth in the hands of a few; thus, these serial constitution­al breaches are probably weighty enough to warrant impeachment of all Presidents since 1999. Predict­ably, therefore, if the quality of gov­ernance is not urgently reformed, the accumulated failures of past administrations may just blow up in our face to further deepen poverty, and sustain social injustice and ul­timately fuel the rate of insecurity in our country.

    Yet, any sincere observer of the structure of the Nigerian economy will recognize that one of the pri­mary drivers of poverty is clearly, the near double digit inflation rates which erode purchasing power and reduce consumer demand. Such a disenabling reality restrains indus­trial capacity utilization and new investments, and inevitably also worsens the level of employment. Furthermore, a vibrant real sector will certainly never emerge when cost of funds hover round 20 per­cent, while a private sector driven economic revival will never mate­rialize if government continues to accumulate huge idle loans with oppressive interest rates which are deliberately intended to crowd out the real sector from cheap credit.

    Indeed, any promise of a suc­cessfully diversified economy will remain a hype so long as inflation and CBN’s monetary policy rate remain untamed above 3 percent respectively. Furthermore, the Nai­ra purchasing value will inevitably also contract and induce weaker exchange rates for as long as these strategic monetary policy indices remain out of gear.

    In fact, power supply will also re­main a challenge so long as the very low tariffs induced by a weak Naira exchange rate and prevailing high cost of funds challenge the survival of the privatized erstwhile PHCN subsidiaries. Similarly, corruption will be hard to restrain so long as the economy remains persistently suffocated with excess Naira sup­ply which facilitates the stealing of public funds.

    Incidentally, the CBN and the Monetary Policy Committee can­not hastily dismiss the above ob­servations, as the application of strategic policy instruments have evidently failed to tame the ‘invis­ible’ demon of eternally surplus cash in the economy; clearly, high inflation and interest rates, as well as increasingly weaker Naira ex­change rates are ravaging monsters unleashed by what is innocuously described as excess liquidity. Yet, the clearly plausible recommendation that would minimize the relentless debilitating scourge of excess cash supply and positively transform our economic fortunes is inexplicably overtly scorned by the CBN as un­constitutional.

    Paradoxically, in August 2007, after over 5years denial, the CBN unexpectedly made a strategy somersault when it belatedly em­braced the recommendation that allocations of crude export reve­nue should be made in the currency in which it was earned. The CBN belatedly recognized that this ap­proach would successfully remove the poison of eternally surplus cash in the economy and rapidly bring down inflation and interest rates, while the Naira exchange rate would also improve to make fuel subsidy payment unnecessary.

    For example, a Naira exchange rate of N100=$1 will save the Nation over N1Tn annually and provide an opportunity to levy a minimum of 10 percent sales tax on 40m litres of fuel sold daily. Thus, our econom­ic and social welfare will become enhanced in consonance with the Objectives and Directive Principles enunciated in the constitution with this reform.

    Unfortunately, despite the im­minent transformation of our economy which dollar allocations will bring, Michael Aondoakaa, the incumbent Attorney General in 2007, inexplicably issued a direc­tive which suspended such payment reform as unconstitutional. One may understand the fear that cash payments in dollars would facilitate the theft of our foreign exchange, but this would certainly not be so if dollar certificates were adopted for allocation of dollar denominated revenue; clearly, since dollar certif­icates are not legal tender, they can only be redeemed for Naira equiva­lent through commercial banks at prevailing market exchange rates, but the dollar values acquired will remain in domiciliary accounts with CBN until the Apex Bank re­ceives instruction from each bank to make direct payments to desig­nated overseas suppliers from their respective domiciliary accounts for specifically approved transactions!

    This arrangement will certainly minimize round tripping and much of the malfeasance in the foreign exchange market and will also pro­vide a transparent and accountable process for minutely tracking and conserving our forex reserves.

    Furthermore, the adoption of dollar allocations for dollar denom­inated revenue will significantly reduce both inflation and cost of funds across the board and also stimulate rapid investment, which will in turn fast track the rate of em­ployment. Similarly, a robust eco­nomic environment with sprouting business ventures would also pro­vide a ready source for boosting government internally generated revenue, and also stem the rising tide of public debt and fuel subsidy.

    Regrettably, this enabling reform which is clearly in consonance with the constitutional objectives enunci­ated in Chapter 2 of the constitution has ironically been rejected on the ground that it is “unconstitutional”. Surely, for crying out loud, no one is suggesting that we should spend dollars instead of Naira; by reject­ing a payment reform that would facilitate the achievement of its core mandate for price stability as illegal clearly, CBN appears intent on cutting its nose to spite its face.


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