• Why we’re fighting Russia –Kholostenko, Ukrainian

    Why were fighting russia kholostenko ukrainian - nigeria newspapers online
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    From Aidoghie Paulinus, Abuja


    Ukrainian Ambassador to Nigeria and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), Ivan Kholostenko, has warned Nigerians to do everything to avoid Russia’s influence in the country.

    Kholostenko who spoke with Sunday Sun in Abuja, said Russia’s influence can lead to terrible consequences for the country.

    Reflecting on the raising of Russian flag in Kano State and  Abuja during the August 1, 2024 protest by EndBadGovernance and the TakeItBack Movement, the Ukrainian envoy stated that “when Russian flags appear somewhere, it brings nothing good, but blood and ruins.”

    Kholostenko, who hailed President Bola Ahmed Tinubu for condemning the use of Russian flags during the protests, maintained that it was a very wise position.

    While saying that the Russia-Ukraine War is the most terrible armed conflict since World War II, the Ukrainian Ambassador concluded that the war is the struggle between good and evil, between democracy and dictatorship, between respect to international law and barbarianship. Excerpt:

    It is more than two years since the Russia-Ukraine war started. How would you describe the war so far?

    This war is the most terrible armed conflict since the World War II. Russia brutally invaded an independent sovereign state in the Middle of Europe. Except this, Russia is committing war crimes one after another. This war is the war for our existence. If we do not fight, Ukraine will disappear from the world’s map.

    What has the crisis cost Ukraine? How many casualties recorded so far? How do you quantify the economic and infrastructural loss?

    The numbers are dramatic.The Russian army carries out missile attacks destroying Ukrainian towns and villages and deploying weapons on facilities of civilian infrastructure. While not having strategic success on the battlefield, Russia seeks to destroy everything that it cannot capture and continues to intimidate and terrorise Ukrainian civilians by attacking the critical infrastructure and residential areas with missiles. Ukrainian law enforcement agencies launched investigations into 141,945 war crimes. They include killing of 13,100 and wounding of 23,740 civilians. Among them 574 children were killed and 1,599 wounded. Around 42,000 civilian citizens of Ukraine are missing. Around 14,000 civilians were illegally captured and detained by Russia. Law enforcement officers have documented 301 confirmed cases of conflict-related sexual violence. The Russian forces use sexual violence as a method of warfare on an unprecedented scale, in particular, to intimidate, take revenge or “punish” both civilians and Ukrainian prisoners of war regardless of gender or age. As of infrastructural loss, the numbers are huge as well. About 400 million people around the world depend on exports from Ukraine. At the same time, about 30 per cent  of the total capacity of the agricultural sector of Ukraine was destroyed and almost 20 per cent of agricultural land is occupied. Russia has stolen millions of tons of Ukrainian grain worth about $1 billion and continues to use food as a weapon. The blockade by Russia of sea routes in the Black Sea after its full-scale military invasion of Ukraine caused an unprecedented jump in international wheat prices, while mining of Ukrainian agricultural land led to enormous losses for agriculture. Almost all of Ukraine’s power generation capacities have been destroyed. More than 184,000 civilian buildings were destroyed by Russia, including houses, churches, hospitals, schools. It is very important to remember that Russian army behaves as terrorists, intimidating Ukrainians and committing war crimes.

    Does Ukraine regret confronting Russia?

    Ukraine is a peaceful state. Throughout our history, Ukrainians have never started a single war. When Russia began a war of conquest to satisfy its imperial hunger, Ukrainians stood up for their motherland. We have never confronted Russians. But we will not let Putin’s regime ruin the free and prosperous future of our country.

    What is the state of affairs in Ukraine? Are Ukrainian nationals hopeful the crisis will end soon? Are they upbeat?

    The war in Ukraine is not a crisis. This is a struggle for the existence of the whole nation. The war is exhausting and brutal, but Ukrainians are determined to protect their homes. We call on the international community to help us end this war soon, exerting pressure on Russia and providing Ukraine with military equipment.

    Is the government and people of Ukraine satisfied with the level of support coming from the United States of America and the European Union?

    United States and European Union give strong support to Ukraine. But Russia is very big, the entire economy works to support the war against Ukraine. That is why we need more support. This war is the struggle between good and evil, between democracy and dictatorship, between respect to international law and barbarianship. Those countries which are not able to provide us military equipment can support us politically, by condemning Russia and supporting Ukraine in the United Nations.

    According to reports, Ukrainians who fled abroad, particularly to Europe, are not finding it easy in terms of jobs. What is your government doing about this?

    The Russian aggression forced lots of Ukrainians to flee abroad when their homes were destroyed and lives were endangered. Finding a proper job is not easy, but Ukrainians are very hardworking, they are ready to adapt and to study the language of the country, where they temporary have to live. After the withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine and restoration of our territorial integrity, people will come back to Ukraine in order to rebuild our country. The government has already announced creation of the special Ministry which sphere of interest will be in relations with Ukrainians abroad.

    Blacks who were fleeing from the war complained bitterly about exclusion from reaching safe zones. What necessitated that?

    Thank you for this question. This topic has already been raised many times in the media. Let me make it clear now. Ukraine is one of the most welcoming countries towards all visitors. The war has not changed that. As you know, Russia attacked Ukraine unexpectedly at night. This provoked the need for immediate evacuation of the civil population. The government introduced an operational plan according to which women, children and disabled people were evacuated first, then elderly people, and then the others. Yet, imagine the situation. Russian troops were advancing on the capital, bringing destruction and chaos. Explosions are heard in the capital. It is quite natural that at such a moment, every human being was looking for an opportunity to be saved first. And it is possible that in turmoil and chaos, some misunderstandings took place. However, I would like to emphasize that the Nigerian Embassy in Ukraine, worked closely with the Department of Consular Service of the Ministry of Foreign  Affairs (MFA) of Ukraine. Thanks to their well-coordinated work and readiness for cooperation, Nigerian citizens were rescued and moved to safety.

    How does Ukraine consider the position of African countries, particularly Nigeria, being Africa’s largest giant and largest democracy?

    We are thankful to Nigeria for supporting the territorial integrity of Ukraine. It is always articulated on the official level and we appreciate it. We do count on the further support from our Nigerian partners. Ukraine has always had strong friendly ties with Nigeria and I am sure we will not let the war stop that.

    At this point of the war, what is the nature of support Ukraine wants from Nigeria?

    We count on Nigeria to support us on the international arena. This concerns, first of all, support of our resolutions in the United Nations General Assembly, which are aimed at protecting territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine and condemning Russian aggression. Beside from that, Ukraine is urging our Nigerian partners to participate in Ukrainian global initiatives, aimed at restoring peace. Ukraine’s Peace Formula – initiative and diplomatic platform that Ukraine proposed to the world community to achieve a just conclusion to the war, is open for joining. Any country can join one or several of its points, one of which is ensuring food security all over the world. Another format, the Crimea Platform, aims to increase the effectiveness of international response to the ongoing occupation of Crimea, prevent further human rights violations and protect victims of the occupation regime. Its final and main goal – de-occupation of Crimea and its peaceful return to Ukraine. The Fourth International Summit of the Crimea Platform has just taken place on September 11 in Kyiv.

    Do you foresee Russia giving up and embracing peaceful or amicable resolution of the war? What is the most annoying conditionality Russia has given Ukraine in order for it to accept ending the war? On the other hand, what are Ukraine’s conditions that Russia must fulfil for the war to end?

    Russia wants to end the war, having occupied a big part of Ukrainian territories. But Ukrainian territorial integrity is to be restored in the frameworks of our internationally recognized borders, as it was in 1991, when we gained independence and as it was in 2014, before Russian aggression started. Only complete and unconditional defeat of Russia in the battlefield and strong pressure of the international community on Russia can lead to fair end of this war.

    It was reported that Ukraine is donating grains to Nigeria despite the war situation. What necessitated this gesture?

    Ukraine has always been and remains a guarantor of the world’s food security. Even when Russian missiles burnt hundreds of thousand tons of our grains, which could be also sent to Africa, Ukraine is donating grains to the friendly states of Africa, to avoid hunger on the continent. Ukraine has experienced hunger, provoked by Soviet Regime. That is why we struggle to prevent famine all over the world and we are ready to help our partners and friends.

    Mali, Niger have taken a decision to severe ties with Ukraine. What does this portend for Ukraine’s relationship with ECOWAS?

    Well, we were disappointed by this step of Mali and Niger. The Transitional Governments decided to sever diplomatic relations with Ukraine without conducting a thorough study of the facts and circumstances of the incident in the North of Mali, and without providing any evidence of Ukraine’s involvement in the mentioned event. Ukraine adheres to the norms of international law and we reject the accusations of alleged Ukraine’s support for international terrorism. Obvious that this was a gesture of solidarity with the terrorist state, the Russian Federation, spreads chaos and confrontation in all corners of the world, including the African continent. Military structures controlled by the Kremlin, including Wagner, constantly use terrorist methods and are directly involved in numerous war crimes, killings of civilians and ill-treatment of prisoners of war both in Ukraine and in African countries. Ukraine is determined to continue developing mutually beneficial relations with all African states. We consider Africa a valued global partner and we are sure that this Russian provocation will not influence our friendly ties with ECOWAS countries.

    What is the level of ECOWAS’ support to Ukraine in the face of the ongoing war with Russia?

    Cooperation with African countries is very important for Ukraine and we are strongly determined to develop our relations with ECOWAS. And we are glad to observe that this strive is mutual. In March of this year, I handed to the esteemed President of the ECOWAS Commission, a letter regarding my accreditation within ECOWAS, signed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine. I see this step as an important milestone in building fruitful and long-lasting cooperation.

    How do you view Russia’s activities in the West African sub-region in the wake of military coups in Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger?

    Ukraine is attentively following the situation in Western Africa, but we do not interfere into the internal affairs of any state. At the same time, we believe that military coups are not the proper way to conduct policy in the 21st Century.

    What do you think ECOWAS countries should do to curb Russia’s incursion in the sub-region?

    As was clearly shown on the example of the situation in Ukraine, when Russian flags appear somewhere, it brings nothing good, but blood and ruins. The President of Nigeria, His Excellency, Bola Ahmed Tinubu, condemned using of Russian flags during the protests in Nigeria and it was a very wise position. Every state must do everything to avoid Russian influence because it can lead to terrible consequences.  

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