• Yahaya Bello’s Visionary Approach In Kogi State – Independent Newspaper Nigeria

    Yahaya bellos visionary approach in kogi state independent newspaper nigeria - nigeria newspapers online
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    We owe a great deal to philos­ophers for their invaluable contributions in shaping our understanding of lead­ership and providing us with useful models to guide our own leadership journeys. Their profound thoughts have undeniably played a significant role in making the world a better place. The ultimate goal of visionary leaders is to leave their political jurisdiction in a better state than they met it, and this aspiration serves as the driving force be­hind the requirement for leaders to have a substantial influence in the complex realm of governance.

    After all, it is our collective belief that today should be better than yesterday, and tomorrow should be better than today.

    This is where innovation comes into play. Innovation seeks to revolutionise the way things are done. As Steve Jobs once said, “Innovation distinguishes be­tween a leader and a follower.” However, beyond the social contract between lead­ers and followers lies the hypothesis that leaders are responsible for introducing ground-breaking interventions for the benefit of their followers.

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    In the case of Kogi State, a radical gov­ernor emerged in Alhaji Yahaha Bello, who brought with him a wave of inno­vative ideas that have positioned him as a proponent of the leadership theories put forth by early thinkers. Recognising the interconnectedness of the past and present, and acknowledging that today is a product of yesterday, it is only fitting to briefly delve into his political back­ground.

    In 2015, Bello was divinely prepared to rebuild Kogi State from the ruins of the people’s frustrations, which were a result of the laissez-faire approach to governance adopted by past leaders over the years. It was not without reason that the people yearned for a change in the leadership profile of the state.

    Bello implemented a unity policy known as the EBIGO policy, which stands for the major ethnic groups in the state; Ebira, Igala, and Okun. This policy has resulted in the fair distribution of amenities and a balanced approach to appointments, thus ensuring that no sec­tion of the state is left behind. Over the course of eight years, Bello successfully fulfilled this commitment, alleviating the suffering of the people and putting an end to the outcry of marginalisation. Moving forward, Bello continued this ethnic balancing to ensure justice and fairness.

    These initial steps taken by Bello set the stage for a new direction in the state, one that prioritised the overall well-be­ing of the people. It demonstrated his ad­ministration’s commitment to inclusivi­ty, where a holistic approach is employed to drive progress. This commitment was further exemplified in the balanced ap­pointments made in the cabinet during his second term.

    Bello’s approach was guided by the NEW DIRECTION AGENDA, a com­pass crafted by the government that had been upgraded for his second term in office. He made it clear that he would not take any risk with the welfare and future of the people of Kogi state. The team working alongside him in the new Direction administration consisted of individuals with exceptional intellectual capabilities, remarkable cognitive skills, and unwavering political determination. Together, they embarked on their work in his second term with a remarkable display of strength and determination. After all, the core principle of Bello’s gov­ernment was to do things differently for the good of Kogites.

    Arguably, Bello of Kogi State emerged as a true champion of progress and development since his election in 2016. With a clear vision for the future of Kogi State, he created a vibrant and prosperous economy, enhanced infra­structure, and ensure the welfare of the people. Through the implementation of numerous projects and initiatives, Bel­lo was steadfast in his pursuit of this vision.

    These included the construction of roads, bridges, and other vital infra­structures, the establishment of indus­trial parks, and the implementation of agricultural and health initiatives. Fur­thermore, Bello took significant steps to alleviate poverty and generated em­ployment opportunities for the people of Kogi State.

    Situated in the North Central region of Nigeria, Kogi State serves as the back­drop for Bello’s ambitious vision for eco­nomic development. Since he assumed office, Bello tirelessly worked towards transforming the state’s economy. By identifying key areas for development, he actively sought to enhance infrastruc­ture, create job opportunities, and attract investments.

    Bello’s vision for economic develop­ment in Kogi State revolves around four pivotal areas; agriculture, tourism, in­dustry, and education. To boost agricul­tural production and productivity, he im­plemented measures such as facilitating improved access to credit, modernising farming techniques, and encouraging private sector investments in the sec­tor. In a bid to promote tourism, Bello launched initiatives aimed at enhancing the state’s infrastructure, including the construction of new roads and bridges.

    In addition, Bello introduced incen­tives to attract investors and encouraged them to establish businesses within the state. His unwavering commitment to economic development in Kogi State yielded remarkable results, as evidenced by his strategic focus on agriculture, tourism, industry, and education, which paved the way for a brighter future.

    Bello made significant strides in cre­ating an environment conducive to busi­nesses in Kogi State. He implemented policies aimed at reducing bureaucratic hurdles and streamlining the process for businesses to establish and operate with­in the state. Additionally, he prioritized improving the state’s power supply and ensuring access to reliable energy sourc­es, which are crucial for sustainable eco­nomic growth.

    Bello demonstrated a strong com­mitment to enhancing the quality of education in Kogi State. He allocated a larger portion of the state’s budget to education and introduced various initia­tives to elevate the standard of teaching and learning. Moreover, he took steps to increase access to higher education and provided scholarships to students from low-income households, thereby promot­ing inclusivity and equal opportunities.

    Bello’s vision for economic develop­ment in Kogi State is both ambitious and far-reaching. It has the potential to revo­lutionise the state’s economy and create abundant opportunities for its citizens. It is evident that the Bello was wholeheart­edly dedicated to making Kogi State a better place to live and work.

    On Education, Bello unveiled an ambitious and comprehensive plan to reform the education sector in the state. This plan was aimed at not only en­hance the quality of education but also improve its accessibility to all residents of Kogi State.

    One of the key components of this plan was the establishment of a state-of-the-art Kogi State University, the first of its kind in the state. The university offers a diverse range of degree programmes, including science, technology, engineer­ing, and mathematics, equipping stu­dents with the necessary skills to thrive in the modern world. Moreover, the university provides vocational training and other courses to ensure that students are well-prepared for the demands of the contemporary job market.

    It is crucial to acknowledge the com­mendable efforts of the state govern­ment under Bello by establishing the Confluence University of Science and Technology, Osara. This institution’s commitment to providing quality ed­ucation and promoting scientific ad­vancements is truly praiseworthy. The university has proven its dedication to nurturing students’ academic growth through its strong faculty, comprised of experienced professors. Additionally, the institution boasts of state-of-the-art facilities and resources that enhances the learning experience and enable stu­dents to conduct cutting-edge research in various scientific fields.


    We must not overlook the renovation of the Kogi State Polytechnic, which serves as a hub for technical and voca­tional training. This institution not only offers courses in business and manage­ment but also equips students with the necessary skills to thrive in today’s mod­ern economy.

    Bello’s plan for educational reform in Kogi State demonstrates a clear vision for the future of education in the state. By prioritising quality education and accessibility, and by establishing insti­tutions that cater to the needs of students in various fields, Bello unarguably paved the way for a brighter and more prosper­ous future for the residents of Kogi State.

    Shifting our attention to healthcare, Bello has consistently demonstrated unwavering commitment to improv­ing the healthcare system in Kogi State since assuming office in 2016. Through various initiatives, one notable being the establishment of the Kogi State Health Insurance Scheme (KSHIS), he priori­tised the well-being of the state’s citizens.

    The KSHIS guarantees that every in­dividual in Kogi State has access to free healthcare services, including primary healthcare, ante natal care, and hospital­isation. This initiative was aimed at alle­viating the financial burden on citizens and promoting a healthier population.

    Bello’s dedication to healthcare in Kogi State is truly commendable. By implementing these initiatives, he has taken significant strides towards im­proving the overall healthcare system. Additionally, Bello established a Health Financing and Investment Programme (HFIP) to enhance access to healthcare in the state. This programme was spe­cifically designed to provide financial assistance to individuals and families who cannot afford medical services. It has proven successful in increasing ac­cess to healthcare services, particularly in rural areas.

    Bello implemented a Health Infor­mation System (HIS) to enhance the quality of healthcare in the state. This system provides real-time data on the health status of citizens, as well as infor­mation on the availability of healthcare services. Its implementation has been instrumental in improving the overall quality of healthcare in Kogi State.

    Bello’s efforts in both education and healthcare are truly praiseworthy. His comprehensive approach and commit­ment to these sectors have undoubtedly brought about positive changes in Kogi State.

    Bello has demonstrated a steadfast commitment to prioritising healthcare in Kogi State, implementing a Primary Health Care System (PHCS) to enhance access to essential medical services. This system aims to provide citizens with fundamental healthcare services, such as immunisations, antenatal care, and treatment for common illnesses. Under Bello’s leadership, numerous initiatives were successfully implemented to boost the healthcare system in the state. These endeavours have yielded positive outcomes, including increased accessi­bility to healthcare services, improved healthcare quality, and a reduction in preventable diseases.

    One area where Bello made signif­icant strides is in the enhancement of infrastructure throughout Kogi State. By investing in projects that generated employment opportunities, attracted investments, and improved the over­all quality of life for the people, Bello demonstrated his unwavering commit­ment to progress.

    Furthermore, Bello recognised the importance of a reliable power infra­structure and therefore dedicated re­sources to its development. His pledge to provide consistent electricity to all Kogi citizens has resulted in on-going efforts to improve the state’s power situation. This endeavour not only facilitated easi­er access to electricity for businesses and individuals but also ensured a more de­pendable power supply.

    As a governor, Bello also directed his attention towards the advancement of Kogi’s agricultural sector. Through the introduction of modern farming tech­niques and the provision of agricultural loans to farmers, he launched several initiatives to enhance the state’s agri­cultural productivity. These endeavours undoubtedly contributed to increased agricultural output, job creation, and a more secured food supply for the people of Kogi.

    Bello made substantial investments in the development of Kogi’s health in­frastructure. By focusing on improving access to healthcare services through the establishment of new hospitals and clin­ics, as well as ensuring better availability of medical supplies and equipment, he actively worked towards enhancing the overall healthcare landscape in the state.

    Bello outlined a comprehensive vi­sion for social and cultural development in Kogi State. His vision was aimed at establishing a safe, prosperous, and vi­brant environment for residents to live, work, and enjoy their lives. To achieve this, the former governor focused on en­hancing access to education, healthcare, and other essential services. Addition­ally, he dedicated to fostering economic growth by generating employment op­portunities and encouraging entrepre­neurship.

    Preserving the rich cultural heritage of Kogi State was another key aspect of Bello’s vision. He devised a plan to safeguard and promote the traditional values, customs, and beliefs of the peo­ple. This includes the revitalization of traditional festivals, the preservation of historical sites, and the promotion of traditional music and dance forms.

    Bello was equally committed to pro­tecting the environment of Kogi State. His plan encompassed measures to re­duce air and water pollution, conserve natural resources, and promote sus­tainable development. This involves the promotion of renewable energy sources, the development of green technologies, and the implementation of effective waste management and recycling pro­grammes.

    Through these initiatives, Bello spearheaded a transformative agenda that not only enhanced the well-being of the people of Kogi State but also contrib­uted to the overall progress and prosper­ity of North Central region.

    Bello was firmly dedicated to advanc­ing social justice and upholding human rights in Kogi State. He devised a com­prehensive plan to guarantee that every citizen in the state has equal access to op­portunities and fundamental rights. This encompassed the promotion of gender equality, safeguarding vulnerable popu­lations, and championing human rights.

    Bello’s vision for Kogi State was to transform it into a paragon of excellence across all facets of development. He out­lined comprehensive plans to enhance infrastructure, generate employment opportunities, and alleviate poverty. Furthermore, he aspired to position Kogi State as a thriving centre for commerce and industry within the region.

    Whichever side it is viewed, it re­mains a statement of fact, that Yahaha Bello left a legacy of service to the peo­ple of Kogi state. History will be kind to him.

    * Ebenezer writes from Lokoja

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