• As cosmetic surgery is trending

    As cosmetic surgery is trending - nigeria newspapers online
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    A few years back, a friend came back from London with a strange-looking capsule that promised larger and firmer boobs; the side effect (according to the leaflet in the packet) was longer hair and stronger nails. My lady couldn’t believe her luck!

    After about three months and no visible results, she threw away what was left of her “beauty adventure.” There’s always a discontentment (about her body) that CAN drive the average woman to any heights to look “better.” Otherwise, this is someone that her body looks incredibly snatched for a mother of four.

    It was also my first realisation that the average woman is rather insecure about her body. I mean, there’s always “somewhere” she wishes could be in another way.

    As the craze for the perfect look is spreading like wildfire among women, let’s keep reminding ourselves that when it comes to the perfect body, it’s neither here nor there. meaning that NOBODY has it all.

    Before you deal, please know that the human body is most rewarding of efforts that give it time and discipline.

    That is, given enough time and a disciplined lifestyle, your body WILL amaze you.

    Even when a procedure is top-notch, the human body still retains the right to tolerate what it can or react unpredictably to it. What I find most disturbing is the reality of our young ladies embracing cosmetic surgery in droves. What could be so undesirable in the body of someone in her 20s and 30s THAT cosmetic surgery just has to fix? What will they do to their bodies IF pregnancy and multiple (child) births happen?

    I actually consider it a moral obligation for older women who KNOW BETTER to keep it real with these young ones, especially those that look up to you.

    Don’t finish going through procedures and come and LIE that you work-out, that is what feeds on their insecurity.

    If they realised you look that “perfect” because you had work done, they will understand it’s a choice but most importantly, that NOTHING IS WRONG with their bodies and stop idealising your body and being so hard on themselves.

    While sharing her experience with me, a lady wrote, “an acquaintance I made some time back would often post videos and pictures of her healthy lifestyle on whatsApp and I became very hard on myself for not doing enough.

    “Her body seemed perfect despite being a mother of four. It was not until someone who knows her well brought proof of her multiple cosmetic procedures that my eyes cleared. I even got to learn that her firm breasts that seem to defy age and multiple childbirths were nonexistent. In fact, from the pictures shown to me, what was there before was akin to a groundnut-size and what’s there now is an implant.

    Yet, that’s a woman who claimed that the secret of her firm boobs was not breastfeeding each of her children for more than three months, drinking fresh pap and dipping her boobs in cold water, every morning all of which I have been doing to no avail.”

    This is the type of UNKINDNESS that pervades our world today. Some people are actually happy that you torment yourself over a LIE that they have sold you. It doesn’t matter to them that KEEPING IT REAL will help you go easy on yourself.

    I tell people that when you are true to your reality, you are also doing the Lord’s work. This is because someone’s mental health will find courage, hope, peace and solace in YOUR truth.

    Pretty is always changing. So if what you want to be is pretty, you’ll have to keep changing yourself constantly—and eventually you won’t know who you are. Know yourself well enough to begin to fill up your life with your particular kind of beauty each day.

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