Enugu State Governor, Peter Mbah, has condemned the recent attack in the Ugwuijoro Nimbo community, Uzo-Uwani Local Government Area of the state.

Residents who spoke to our correspondent said that herdsmen attacked mourners at Ugwuijoro Nimbo community killing four people instantly.

Although some residents said four corpses had been recovered, the community has formed search parties as so many people are currently missing.

During his visit to the community on Monday, the governor stated his administration’s resolve to “identify, track, capture the culprits and bring them to justice,” while describing the attack as “malicious and unacceptable to us as a state.”

In a series of tweets late Monday, the governor tweeting as @PNMbah on X.com, stated, “I was at Nimbo community in Uzo-Uwani, Enugu State, earlier today following the attack that claimed four lives.

“This dastardly act saddens me greatly. It is malicious and unacceptable to us as a state, and we shall do all we can to identify, track, capture the culprits, and bring them to justice.

“Our primary purpose as government is to guarantee the security and the welfare of Ndi Enugu, and that we must do. We do not want our people to live in fear. Therefore, we will continue to deploy everything within our powers to ensure that they are protected.”

Enugu gov vows swift action after deadly herdsmen attack - nigeria newspapers online
Credit pnmbah | x

Mbah said he’s noted the requests of the people and their demand for representation in his administration.

The governor promised that the state government would cater to the needs of the affected families, adding that scholarship awards and employment opportunities would be offered to the children and  family members of the victims.

His tweets read, “To my dear people of the Nimbo, I deeply empathise with you. I have noted your recommendations and requests, including the need for representation in government and the strengthening of local security resources. These will be addressed as promised.

“I assure you that we will not abandon you. Our government will cater to the survivors and families of the victims of this attack. We shall award scholarships to the children of the victims and offer employment opportunities to their family members in need of jobs.

?But more importantly, let it be known that we will never have to go through this again. Enough is enough.”