• Foundation conducts free eye screening, distributes glasses

    Foundation conducts free eye screening distributes glasses - nigeria newspapers online
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    A non-governmental organization, the Total Support for Life-Care Development International Initiative, has facilitated free eye surgery and provision of glasses for 300 aged of the Telemu community, a rural area in Ola-oluwa Local Government area of Osun State.

    The initiative is a Non-Governmental Organisation based in Osogbo.

    The chairperson of the foundation, Ajibola Falode, said the eye screening was facilitated to assist the vulnerable aged people in the state.

    Falode noted that many of the residents needed awareness of the precautions for eye defects and other health-related issues.

    “We have chosen to reach out to indigent men and women, especially the aged, to provide medical enlightenment, basic medical care and tests, and eye care services.

    “We believe awareness will go a long way in shaping the way people handle their health issues. It is expected to help in restoring and improving their quality of life. Good health is very essential to the economic development of every society” she said.

    Responding, the wife of the state governor, Erelu Adeleke, who attended the opening of the eye screening commended the organisers.

    Adeleke urged the beneficiaries of the eye screening to make use of the facilities.


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