• Lawmaker calls for arrest of El-rufai over comments on naira swap

    Lawmaker calls for arrest of el-rufai over comments on naira swap - nigeria newspapers online
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    …Says, El-rufai’s comments treasonable offence

    From Noah Ebije, Kaduna

    Member, Representing Kaduna North Federal constituency, Malam Samaila Suleiman has called for the arrest of the Kaduna State governor, Nasir El-rufai over his recent comments asking the people in Kaduna state to continue to use the old naira notes of N1000 and  N500, despite federal government pronouncement that the notes were no longer legal tenders.

    In a statement on Sunday, Suleiman said since El-rufai is still enjoying immunity as governor, the security agency should watch out and pick him up on May 29, 2023 after handing over ceremony.

    The statement noted that El-rufai’s comments were treasonable offence, and it should be treated as such.

    “It did not occur as a surprise to Rt. Honourable Samaila Suleiman, member Representing Kaduna North Federal constituency in the House of Representatives, Abuja, the illegal, unwarranted and outright treasonable counter order made by Malam Nasir El-Rufai of Kaduna state on 16th February, 2023 via his state wide broadcast in which he attacked with disdain the person and gave a counter order,   undermining the office of the  President, Federal Republic of Nigeria regarding the legal tender status of the old 500 and 1000 Naira Notes.

    “The security agencies are urged to be on high alert and move in to defend and protect our democracy, the sanctity and integrity of the Nigerian state as one indivisible and indissoluble entity by arresting and prosecuting Nasir el-Rufai for his treasonable conduct which constitutes serious threat not only to democracy but the entire entity called the federal Republic of Nigeria.

    ‘As a serving Legislator, I am not unmindful of the immunity accorded to sitting Governors and their Deputies but of course no person or authority including Malam Nasir El-Rufai should be allowed to threaten the territorial integrity of Nigeria without any consequence on the altar of immunity clause.

    “My least expectation of our security agencies is for them to take cognizance of the treasonable conduct of El-Rufai and to swing into action as soon as his term of office expires on 29th May, 2023

    “It can be recalled that the same Malam Nasir El-Rufai disdainfully countered the valid orders of the Nigeria’s current president on whose popularity Malam EL-Rufai and his cohorts rode to their current positions. 

    “This is indeed funny, coming  from  EL-Rufai who the people of Kaduna state and Nigeria at large have come to know as a public officer who lacks compassion for the masses.

    “We, the People of Kaduna State and Nigeria at large do not and will never suffer collective amnesia.

    “The same El-Rufai whose second name is ‘’Disobedience to court orders’’ running to the same courts he demeans, maligns and holds in extreme contempt.

    “I do not have doubt in the ability of our judiciary to prove its worth not only to Nigerian citizens but to the entire world by restating the famous principle that ‘‘He who comes to equity must come with clean hands’’. 

    “Both hands of El-Rufai are not only soiled and dirty but are filthy as far as the naira redesign issue is concerned vis-à-vis his track record of disobeying validly obtained court orders. In fact, the man El-Rufai does not have the moral right to approach our courts for any remedy as he has done in this case by approaching the apex court invoking its original jurisdiction over a currency issue. 

    “If the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria cannot guide Malam El-Rufai that currency redesign is an issue under the exclusive Legislative List and well within the powers of Mr. President to enforce, I thought his apparent albeit fake loyalty to President Muhammadu Buhari should have guided him not to scornfully dare the President’s orders on the naira redesign as he did.

    “What is even more worrisome is the fact that El-Rufai’s flammable order to the people of Kaduna State could incite the public against a democratically elected government.  It was an affront to the office of the president, unconstitutional and could amount to sedition and treason against the Nigerian state.

    “Same  El-Rufai, his sons and godsons  have been deploying all undemocratic means against my supporters. I make bold to say that I refuse to be intimidated as my bond with the masses of Kaduna North Federal Constituency has only grown stronger as the election approaches. Victory is my portion insha Allah.

    “While I sympathise with  all  compatriots over the difficulties and the economic challenges we are all going through at the moment, I call on all citizens of Kaduna state and the Kaduna North Local Government in particular to remain vigilant, steadfast, calm and law abiding before, during and after the General elections and to come out and use their PVC to vote enmasse for me on the election day as in my quest to continue to give you positive, compassionate and people oriented representation at the National Assembly”. The statement said.

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