• Nigerian football suffering from 8 years of neglect –Ladipo

    Nigerian football suffering from 8 years of neglect ladipo - nigeria newspapers online
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    The President-General of the Nigeria Football Supporters Club, Dr Rafiu Ladipo has strongly lamented the low state of Nigeria football. The man who has led Nigerian football supporters to different countries in the last two decades says the drop in overall performance is a result of the ground the country lost in the last eight years.

    Ladipo said, “We actually had eight underutilized years with the last administration. We achieved far less than we should have done because the man who was in charge focused more on himself and aesthetics than proper development of football in Nigeria. Rather than build up the system we focused too much on elections and people getting into international offices.”

    Ladipo who lamented on the backdrop of the Flying Eagles performance in Egypt said the lack of growth pattern is now showing in our teams and clubs on the continent.

    “Did you see how we lost to The Gambians? That is just a sign. Are we ever sure of the Super Falcons anymore? Did the Super Eagles qualify for the last World Cup? No is the answer.”

    “I am not saying that a country like Gambia cannot beat Nigeria but it did not bring shock this time because the slide has been steady.

    We have declined so much. How many games have the Falcons won of their last 10 matches? Did we qualify for CHAN? How many of our clubs can stand firm on the continent today like Enyimba used to do not too long ago? Now compare our performance in the last four years with countries like Senegal and Morocco. We are running in the opposite direction. We are dropping while they are going up. What did we get other than dividing the supporters club instead of facing football development?

    “Our Super Eagles B and clubs are struggling on the continent because our league was neglected for so long. We shifted focus to only the Super Eagles and the glamour and still failed Nigerians in all directions.”

    Ladipo believes the Nigerian football system can recover if the new administration led by Ibrahim Gusau keeps focus on football and its growth.

    “We are noticing some changes already. All we need is for the leadership to pursue genuine football development goals, leave out glamour and too much talk and we can get back to the level where we were and then of course surpass it.”

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