• On Foreign Coach, No Time To Waste – Independent Newspaper Nigeria

    On foreign coach no time to waste independent newspaper nigeria - nigeria newspapers online
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     It is interesting to note now that the issue of employing a foreign coach for the Super Eagles of Nigeria is already on the top burner of the Ni­geria Football Federation (NFF), as the sports ministry is also not resting on its oars towards ensuring that a befitting foreign gaffer is employed to take over the vacant position of the Eagles plum job after the resignation of homeboy, Finidi George as Head Coach of the national team following his unfancied outings against So

    The football federation recently denied rumours that it had made ar­rangements to hire Coach Herve Re­nard, who previously coached Zambia and Cote D’Ivoire and won AFCON gold medals for both countries at var­ious points in his coaching career in Africa. During his time coaching on the Dark Continent, he was a high­ly successful football coach. So he remains a fiery coach, whom other coaches fear whenever he appears with his team. However, the coun­try’s football federation denied the rumours that he (Herve) had been pencilled in to take over the top job of the Eagles.

    According to reports, five foreign coaches have been shortlisted: Antho­nio Conceicao, Luis Fernandez, Joa­quin Capparos, Didier Six, and Miguel Herrera. The name of Herve Renard is missing from this list, but my concern is that whether the federation has come out to deny contacting Coach Herve for the Eagles is immaterial; doing the right thing for Nigeria and the Eagles is most important right now, and the time to act quickly is not tomorrow; thus, the national team must find a competent and seasoned foreign coach for Nigeria who will lead the Eagles out of their current rut. There is no more time to waste!


    I believe that the five shortlisted for­eign coaches are good, and whoever is chosen should be the best fit for the job. Let there be no sentiment or preference above the order of merit in this regard, as what the team requires now is com­petence, mastery, confidence, and the ability to organise properly to achieve the desired outcome. The team must be seen working this time, not just ap­pearing for games but also winning them on the field. This is the expected team and foreign handler that Nigeri­ans want to see. The difference must be stark between what we had previ­ously and what we have now, especial­ly given the new trend in our football awareness and consciousness! There must be a new awakening from the old order to a new beginning with the new foreign coach selected from among the five shortlisted candidates.


    We are also aware that the federa­tion has sent one of its own to Germany in search of a foreign coach; however, all of this is expected to occur before the next round of FIFA qualifying matches, which begin in September. But my plea to the federation and the sports minis­try under Senator John Enoh is to be active this time around, as Nigeria can­not afford to miss out on the FIFA 2026 Mundial, and aside from qualifying, the Eagles must be good ambassadors at the event!

    The NFF should not consider the current Cameroonian Coach March Brys for the Eagles at all. The federa­tion should concentrate and remain completely focused, do what is truly necessary, and avoid becoming a “Jack of all trades” by attempting to contract a coach for Nigeria, because anything worth doing is worth doing well. It has been documented that previous NFF presidents have always gone back and forth in their search for good coaches for Nigeria, only to end up contract­ing mediocre candidates amidst ar­guments among federation members over who made what wrong decision that affected or truncated the plan to hire the best for Nigeria.

    In this regard, Nigerians will not accept any flimsy excuse from the federation if a bad and inexperienced foreign coach is hired. I believe Nige­rians are tired of watching mediocre and inexperienced coaches, whether local or foreign because their experi­ences have cost us our pride in football nations. Nigeria currently ranks fifth in Africa and very low in the FIFA rank­ings. We are all aware that all has not been well with Nigerian football, from the administrative arm of the NFF to the improper hiring of both Indigenous and foreign coaches, including players, and that everything has fallen short of expectations; this is why we are where we are! It is a serious issue that must be carefully examined to find the best solution to restore the Eagles’ pride in Africa and around the world.

    In light of this, we must all recall our elementary poem, which states: “Tick Tick says the clock, what you want to do, do quickly.” This junior poem taught us not to be late for school and to be punctual at all times! If the federation can reach this level in fulfilling its obli­gations, the country will benefit greatly from our targeted goals in both conti­nental and global tournaments. Thank you, God, for a world without end!

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