• Soldiers storm Oba Elegushi palace, voters protest

    Soldiers storm oba elegushi palace voters protest - nigeria newspapers online
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    Soldiers have arrived at the polling unit outside the Oba Elegushi Palace at Ikate, Lekki, were thugs unleashed violence on voters.

    It was gathered that the soldiers arrived the scene with five trucks filled with military men.

    The displaced voters in the area have since taken to the street to protest against the  attack by the hoodlums, while chanting “we must vote.” And in a video shared on social media the large crowd of voters were seen screaming in excitement as the soldiers arrived the scene.

    Although, it was alleged that the hoodlums in the area had shut most of the entrances leading towards the palace, the military were able to still find their way in.

    The PUNCH had reported that thugs on Saturday afternoon carted away  ballot boxes and chased the presiding officer of the Independent National Electoral Commission in the area away.

    It was also gathered that some voters were injured and beaten, however, no life has been reported lost to the violence in the area.

    A resident in the area, who spoke on condition of anonymity said, “The information I’m getting is that the violence erupted outside the Oba’s palace.

    ” The ballot boxes were snatched and everybody ran away. Thugs are still hanging around the area.”


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